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在建立社会主义市场经济体制过程中,转变经济增长方式、寻求市场经济条件下港埠企业新的增长点,是当前港埠企业生存和发展的根本途径。 一、经营观念的转变,是寻求新经济增长点的关键 市场经济是通过市场机制来配置资源的一种经济组织方式。它要求企业必须以市场为中心,以价值规律为导向,根据外部和内部条件,选择合理的市场经营策略,提高企业的市场适应能力、应变能力和竞争能力,从而达到在满足市场需要的经济活动中,来提高企业经济效益的目的。 目前,我国正处于计划经济向市场经济的过渡期,从微观经济形势看,港埠企业面临着市场机制作用越来越大、市场制约逐步增强、市场竞争日趋激烈的局面。但由于长期实行计划经济体制,人们的思想观念被“政府意识”、“上级指令”、“统一计划”的模式禁锢着,所以港埠企业虽然也注重经济效益,却过分地追求生产任务的完成,经济增长方式表现为重外延发展生产、轻内涵扩大再生产;重生产进度,轻实际效益。因此,港埠企业必须面对现 In the course of establishing a socialist market economic system, transforming the mode of economic growth and seeking new growth points for Hong Kong port enterprises in a market economy is the fundamental way for the survival and development of Hong Kong port enterprises. First, the transformation of business ideas is to seek a new economic growth point of the key Market economy is to allocate resources through the market mechanism of an economic organization. It requires that enterprises must take the market as the center and guided by the law of value and choose a reasonable market management strategy according to the external and internal conditions so as to improve the market adaptability, adaptability and competitiveness of enterprises so as to achieve economic activities that meet the needs of the market In order to improve the economic efficiency of enterprises. At present, our country is in a transitional period from a planned economy to a market economy. From the microeconomic situation, Hong Kong and port enterprises are facing the situation that the market mechanism is playing a more and more important role, the market control is gradually strengthened and the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. However, due to the long-term implementation of a planned economic system, people’s ideology is imprisoned by the model of “government awareness,” “higher order,” and “unified plan.” Therefore, although Hong Kong port enterprises are also focusing on economic efficiency, they over-pursue the completion of production tasks, The performance of the economic growth mode focuses on the development of production with emphasis on extension, the expansion of reproduction of light connotation, the re-production schedule and the light practical benefits. Therefore, the port enterprises must face the present