Thermomechanical analysis of long-term global modal and local deformation measurements of the Kishwa

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gomo08
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In this paper we present a comparative analysis of global frequency and local deformation data for a largeconcrete bridge.The asymptotic probability distributions of the central statistics are presented,and compared with empiricalbootstrap estimates.Bootstrapped distributions are calculated from reference data obtained during 1999-2000 and used todevelop change-point alarm criteria for the structure,using reasonable sensitivity measures developed from FEM simulationsand structural analysis.The implications of the frequency data are discussed in conjunction with the strain and displacementmeasurements in order to discern if the load carrying capacity of the bridge has been affected.The critical need for moreadvanced temperature compensation models for large structures continually in thermal disequilibrium is discussed. In this paper we present a comparative analysis of global frequency and local deformation data for a largeconcrete bridge.The asymptotic probability distributions of the central statistics are presented, and compared with empirical bootstrap estimates. Bootstrapped distributions are calculated from reference data obtained during 1999-2000 and used todevelop change-point alarm criteria for the structure, using reasonable sensitivity measures developed from FEM simulations and structural analysis. The implications of the frequency data are discussed in conjunction with the strain and displacementmeasurements in order to discern if the load carrying capacity of the bridge has been affected. critical needs for more advanced temperature models for large structures continually in thermal disequilibrium is discussed.
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