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由于目前农村工作任务繁重,政务院已决定今春不进行贯彻婚姻法运动。但宣传婚姻法的经常工作,仍须结合各种中心工作及各有关部门的经常业务进行。中央教育部、中央扫除文盲工作委员会在「一九五三年冬学工作的指示」中规定在向农民进行总路线教育时,「应适当联系到……婚姻法的宣传」;中央文化部在「关于开展春节农村文艺活动向农民宣传总路线的指示」中亦规定:「仍应继续贯彻婚姻法的宣传」。为了贯彻执行以上两个指示,各地应:一、在冬学的课程中,应包括有宣传婚姻法的内容。特别在「三八」妇女节以前尚未结束的冬学,应有几次购婚姻法的课;除学员外,并动员 Due to the heavy workload of rural work at present, the State Council has decided not to carry out the Marriage Law Movement this spring. However, the regular work of propagating the marriage law must still be conducted in the light of the various central tasks and the regular operations of all relevant departments. The Central Ministry of Education and the Central Commission for the Elimination of Illiteracy set forth in the “Instruction for Winter Work in 1953” stipulating that “education of the Marriage Law should be properly linked to the publicity of the Marriage Law” when educating the peasants on the general education route; and “ The instructions for carrying out the Spring Festival rural cultural activities to publicize the general route to peasants also stipulate: ”Propaganda of the Marriage Law should still be continued.“ In order to implement the above two instructions, all localities should: First, in the winter school curriculum, should include the contents of the promotion of marriage law. In particular, during the winter school which has not ended before the ”March 8" Women’s Day, there should be several courses for the purchase of marriage law; besides the students, they should be mobilized
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