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羊水栓塞综合征的病理生理尚未完全了解,一种夸张的说法缓激肽释放其活化使羊水进入母循环,能解释发生羊水栓塞,为测定缓激肽会引起羊水栓塞。1例30岁妊娠27周妇女因阴道流血入院,曾有2次剖宫产,(1次胎位不正,1次前置胎盘),本次超声诊断为前置胎盘,住院后情况稳定至妊娠31周时 The pathophysiology of amniotic fluid embolism syndrome is not fully understood, an exaggeration to say that the activation of bradykinin release of amniotic fluid into the mother’s cycle, can explain the occurrence of amniotic fluid embolism, for the determination of bradykinin will cause amniotic fluid embolism. One case of 30-year-old pregnant women 27 weeks of pregnancy due to vaginal bleeding admitted to hospital, there have been 2 cesarean section, (1 fetal malposition, a placenta previa), the ultrasound diagnosis of placenta previa, hospital stay stable until 31 Week time
Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) likely results from weakening of the constituent connective tissue. It is uncertain if the alterations are limite
目的 :评价糖尿病患者生存质量 (QOL)状况及其影响因素 ,探讨生存质量指标作为糖尿病患者健康促进干预活动指标的合理性及可及性。为社区医疗服务确定糖尿病治疗方案提供一定
Persistent mü llerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is a rare form of male pseudohermaphroditism. Bilateral fallopian tubes and a uterus occur with an otherwise normal