
来源 :中国石油和化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dodosparkle
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抚顺是一座老工业城市,它因油而兴,也因油而饱受国外列强的霸占与掠夺。在长达40余年的时间里,这颗位于我国东北方的黑珍珠,被迫向列强们源源不断地输送着亿万年来凝结出的“黑色黄金”。直到抗战的胜利、新中国的诞生,才让抚顺在几经坎坷之后终于又回到了人民的怀抱。在人民翻身当家作主后,在东北这片沃土上,抚顺的石油加工厂兄弟同心,齐头并进,为新中国国民经济和国防建设作出了重要贡献。然而最近几年,原本形势喜人的抚顺石化却陷入了一场长达4年的亏损寒冬。2011年到2014年间,抚顺石化累计亏损230.8亿元,在中石油27家炼化企业中效益排名垫底。不消灭亏损,企业就无路可走,面临生死险境,抚顺石化这家88年的老企业在振兴东北老工业基地的战役中,演绎出“老兵新传”的传奇故事,实现了亏损大户的“逆袭”。 Fushun is an old industrial city, which flourishes because of oil, but also suffers from the domination and plunder of foreign powers by oil. For more than 40 years, this black pearl in the northeast of China was forced to continuously deliver millions of years of “black gold” to the powers and powers. Until the victory of the war of resistance and the birth of New China, Fushun finally returned to the embrace of the people after many ups and downs. After the people turned their heads to make their own decisions, in the fertile soil of the northeast China, Fushun’s oil processing factory brothers have made concerted efforts and made important contributions to the development of the new China’s national economy and national defense. However, in recent years, Fushun Petrochemical Co., Ltd., which was originally in a gratifying situation, has plunged into a winter of losses of up to 4 years. From 2011 to 2014, Fushun Petrochemical cumulative loss of 23.08 billion yuan in the 27 oil refinery enterprises in the bottom rankings. Without eliminating the losses, the enterprises have no way to go. They face the danger of life and death. The 88-year-old enterprise of Fushun Petrochemical realized the legendary story of “Veteran New Biography” in the revitalization of northeast old industrial base. Large loss of “counter-attack ”.
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