
来源 :广西金融研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sollovewj
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一、破产的基本情况 桂林绢麻纺织印染厂(以下简称绢纺厂)隶属于桂林市纺织工业公司,1966年筹建,1968年投产,为国家纺织行业大型二类综合外向型企业。该厂的投产到1988年共实现税利8550.1万元,曾连续三年荣立广西出口创汇一等功。现有固定资产原值2993.5万元,净值1536.8万元,职工2239人(其中在职职工1213人)。 由于1988年下半年后国内外市场发生了较大变化,绢纺厂的产品销售受阻,1989年至1993年连续五年亏损,1994年处于半停产状态,截止1995年7月,已累计亏损4243.6万元,总负债高达6778万元,而总资产为4610万元,如剔除其中包含的待处理资产净损失1380万元,实际资产仅有3230万元,已严重资不抵债,企业无法继续运转。1995年8月,经市人民政府同意,该厂全面停产;10月,经职代会通过,该厂向市纺织工业局提出破产申请,市纺织工业局于10月26日正式下文同意其破产。市中级人民法院 First, the basic situation of bankruptcy Guilin silk and linen textile printing and dyeing plant (hereinafter referred to as silk spinning factory) under the Guilin Textile Industry Company, 1966 preparation, put into operation in 1968, for the national textile industry large-scale comprehensive export-oriented enterprises. The plant put into operation in 1988 achieved a total of 85,501,000 yuan in tax profits, Guangxi has for three consecutive years won the first-class foreign exchange earnings. The original value of existing fixed assets 29,925,000 yuan, net 15,368,000 yuan, 2,239 employees (of which 1213 serving workers). Due to great changes in the domestic and international markets after the second half of 1988, sales of silk mills were blocked, losing money for five consecutive years from 1989 to 1993 and being in semi-shutdown status in 1994. As of July 1995, the cumulative loss was 4243.6 Million, the total liabilities of up to 67.78 million yuan, while the total assets of 46.1 million yuan, such as excluding the net assets included in the loss of 13.8 million yuan, the actual assets of only 32.3 million yuan, has serious insolvency, businesses can not continue to operate . August 1995, with the consent of the Municipal People’s Government, the plant was completely discontinued; in October, after the approval of the Workers Congress, the plant filed for bankruptcy applications to the City Textile Industry Bureau, City Textile Industry Bureau officially agreed on October 26, its bankruptcy . City Intermediate People’s Court