光彩奪目久盛不衰 國際鑽石市場一瞥

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鑽石作為人們富有的標志,在人類歷史上已經盛行了2500多年。隨着越來越多的人希望自己擁有鑽石的欲望得到滿足,國際市場鑽石的銷路將繼續看好。目前世界上天然鑽石產地主要集中在澳大利亚、扎伊爾、博茨瓦納、前蘇聯以及南非,根據美國礦業局的統计資料,1989年世界未加工天然鑽石產量為9383.7萬克拉,1990年為10095.7萬克拉,其中澳大利亞1989年和1990年產量分別為3508萬克拉和3580萬克拉,分別佔世界產量的37.4%和35.5%;扎伊爾產量分別為190萬克拉和1895萬克拉,分別佔20.2%和18.8%;博茨瓦納產量分別為1519.2萬克拉和1675萬克拉,分別佔16.2%和16.6%;前蘇聯產量分別為1100萬克拉和1500万克拉,分別佔11.7%和14.9%;南非產量分別為911.6萬克拉和900萬克拉,分別佔9.7%和8.9%;其它地區產量分別為444.9萬克拉和545.7萬克拉,分別僅佔4.7%和5.3%。 現世界上從事鑽石加工的國家共有30多個,美國是世界上最大的優質鑽石進口國。由於美國國民生活水平高,鑽石商通常仅加工優質大鑽石,而在以色列和比利時,人工成本屬中等水平,一般只加工塊度和質量均居中的鑽石,印度的人工成本最低,因此加工鑽石的塊度最小,價格也最低廉。 As a symbol of wealth, diamonds have been in the history of mankind for more than 2,500 years. As more and more people want their desire to own diamonds to be satisfied, the sales of diamonds in international markets will continue to be optimistic. At present, the world’s natural diamonds are mainly produced in Australia, Zaire, Botswana, the former Soviet Union and South Africa. According to the statistics of the United States Bureau of Mines, the world’s crude natural diamond production in 1989 was 93.837 million carats and in 1990 it was 100.957 million carats , Of which Australia produced 35.88 million carats and 35.8 million carats in 1989 and 1990 respectively, accounting for 37.4% and 35.5% of world production respectively; Zaire production was 1.9 million and 18.95 million carats, representing 20.2% and 18.8% respectively % Respectively; Botswana produced 15.192 million carats and 16.75 million carats, accounting for 16.2% and 16.6%, respectively; the former Soviet Union produced 11.0 million and 15.0 million carats, accounting for 11.7% and 14.9% respectively; South Africa’s outputs were 911.6 million carats And 9.7 million carats, accounting for 9.7% and 8.9% respectively. The output of other regions was 4.449 million carats and 5.457 million carats, accounting for only 4.7% and 5.3% respectively. There are more than 30 countries in the world engaged in diamond processing, the United States is the world’s largest importer of high-quality diamonds. Due to the high standard of living in the United States, diamond traders usually only produce high-quality large diamonds. In Israel and Belgium, however, the labor costs are average. Generally, only the diamonds with the loftiness and quality are processed. India has the lowest labor cost. Therefore, The smallest block, the lowest price.
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