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<正> 波尔山羊种公羊在冬季性欲比较旺盛,精液品质好,食欲下降,很难补充身体消耗,若营养不良,则直接影响冬季配种质量。因此,搞好种公羊的冬季饲养十分重要。 1、配种期饲养:配种期公羊,精神处于兴奋状态,不安心采食,这个时期的饲养要特别小心,少给勤添,注意饲料的质量和适口性,必要时可补充一些富含蛋白质的动物饲料,如鱼粉、鸡蛋、羊奶等,以补偿配种期营
Adenosquamous carcinoma rarely occurs in the pancreas,and is characterized by the presence of cellular components from both duct adenocarcinoma and squamous car
AIM:To clarify whether the performance of liver resections(LR)for incidental gallbladder carcinoma(IGBC)’s depends more on the experience of the hospitals in l
【正】 为提高怀山药的产量和品质,为怀山药的规范化、高产化栽培提供科学依据,2000年-2001年我们分别进行了怀山药的打孔和管道栽培技术研究,效果明显。现将具体技术介绍如
【正】 1. 发菌期的管理。将接种后的菌袋搬至培养室,室温控制在25℃左右,相对湿度在75%以下。在发菌期间,由于菌丝呼吸作用放出的热量会使袋里温度比袋外高2~4℃,发菌期间要注
Red cell distribution width is a measure of deviation of the volume of red blood cells.It is a marker of anisocytosis and often used to evaluate the possible ca
AIM:To investigate different methods of creating incomplete intestinal obstruction in a rat model and to compare their electrophysiologic,morphologic and histol
Some laterally advanced cholangiocarcinomas behave as ductal spread or local invasion,and hepatopancreatoduodenectomy(HPD)may be performed for R0 resection.To d
【正】 在大棚内土豆、苋菜、冬瓜、白菜、莴苣间套作,一般每亩产土豆1500公斤、苋菜1000公斤、冬瓜5000公