All-Purpose MNSR Preliminary Physical Design

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanshilong111
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The prototype miniture neutron source reactor (MNSR) was built at China institute of Atomic Energy in 1984, and then, in the domestic and foreign, the eight commercial MNSR were built for neutron activation analysis, teaching training. In order to enlarge the use of MNSR, adding the horizontal neutron channel on the basis of commercial MNSR for the medicine, neutron radiography applications. In addition, The prototype miniture neutron source reactor (MNSR) was built at China institute of Atomic Energy in 1984, and then, in the domestic and foreign, the eight commercial MNSR were built for neutron activation analysis, teaching training. In order to enlarge the use of MNSR, adding the horizontal neutron channel on the basis of commercial MNSR for the medicine, neutron radiography applications. In addition,
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Eutectic alloys are often used for passive temperature monitoring of irradiation experiments. The irradiation temperature is estimated according to the melting