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10月29—30日,财政部地方财政监督机制建设研讨会在江苏省无锡市召开,来自财政部和20余个省、市的财政监督战线代表参加了此次研讨会。财政部党组成员、纪检组长金莲淑同志与会,并做了题为《因地制宜稳步推进着力构建稳定长效的财政监督机制》的重要讲话。会议围绕“构建稳定长效的财政监督机制”这一主题进行了深入的交流、研讨,分析了当前地方财政监督机制建设的现状,肯定了各地机制建设的创新成果,并提出了推进地方财政监督机制建设的方法策略。为了更好地学习和领会会议精神,本刊特别策划了《准确把握财政监督机制建设的基本方向——从五个关键词看地方财政监督机制建设的现状与发展》专题报道,旨在与广大财政监督工作者一起充分把握会议的精神实质,共同开创地方财政监督机制建设的新局面。 From October 29 to October 30, the seminar on the construction of the local financial supervision mechanism of the Ministry of Finance was held in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. Representatives of the financial supervision fronts from the Ministry of Finance and more than 20 provincial and municipal governments attended the seminar. Comrade Jin Lian Shu, member of the Ministry of Finance and party discipline inspection team leader, attended the meeting and gave an important speech titled “Treating a Stable and Long-Term Financial Supervision System According to Local Conditions and Stabilizing”. The meeting conducted in-depth exchanges on the theme of “building a stable and long-term financial supervision mechanism”, discussed and analyzed the current status of the construction of the local financial supervision mechanism, affirmed the innovation achievements in the construction of mechanisms in various places and proposed the promotion of local financial supervision Methodology and Strategy of Mechanism Construction. In order to better learn and understand the spirit of the conference, this magazine especially planned the topic of “accurately grasping the basic direction of the construction of financial supervision mechanism - the status quo and development of the construction of local financial supervision mechanism from five key words” The financial supervisors together fully grasp the spirit of the conference and jointly create a new situation in the construction of the local financial supervision mechanism.
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