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辽河坳陷西部凹陷南部沙三段属于低孔特低渗致密砂岩油气藏,油气资源分布广泛开采难度大。现有的钻完井液体系不能满足安全快速钻井和储层保护的要求,进行了该项目的研究。室内对该区块致密砂岩储层进行了储层物性、敏感性及水锁等方面的评价,确定了钻井过程中存在的主要储层损害因素。通过室内试验优选优化了KCl钻完井液体系,并根据储层孔喉大小分布对该体系进行了广谱屏蔽暂堵技术改造。室内评价表明KCl钻完井液体系均具有良好的热稳定性。体系的润滑性和抑制防塌性好,抗污染能力强,可以满足探井的需要,渗透率恢复率均在82%以上,暂堵深度<1.1cm且易反排。可满足辽河坳陷西部凹陷南部沙三段致密砂岩储层保护的要求。 The third member of Shahejie Formation in the western part of western Liaohe Depression is a low-porosity and ultra-low permeability tight sandstone oil and gas reservoir with wide distribution of oil and gas resources. The existing drilling and completion fluid system can not meet the requirements of safe and rapid drilling and reservoir protection. The project was studied. The evaluation of reservoir physical property, sensitivity and water lock of the tight sandstone reservoir in this area was conducted indoors, and the main reservoir damage factors during drilling were determined. The KCl drilling and completion fluid system was optimized through laboratory experiments. Based on the pore throat size distribution of the reservoir, a broad-screen temporary blocking technology was modified. Indoor evaluation shows that KCl drilling and completion fluid system has good thermal stability. System lubrication and suppression of anti-slump, anti-pollution ability to meet the needs of exploration wells, permeability recovery rates were above 82%, temporary blocking depth <1.1cm and easy anti-row. It can meet the requirements of sandstone reservoir protection in the third member of Shahejie Formation in the western part of western sag of Liaohe Depression.
在 Severinghaus 二氧化碳气敏电极的基础上,1969年设计提出气敏氨电极,不久即有 Orion-95-10、EIL 8002等氨电极商品出现。由于试液中各种离子均无法透过其气透膜或气隙,故
目的 探讨胎儿心脏连续扫查方法在产前诊断圆锥干畸形中的价值.方法 根据胎儿的不同体位,应用超声对1067例孕18~26周的高危胎儿进行横向、矢状或冠状连续心脏扫查,扫查过程中将主、肺动脉排列次序或内径的改变、交叉结构的消失或不显示作为圆锥干畸形存在的特征性改变,同时对有上述特征性改变的胎儿作进一步的超声心动图检查以明确诊断.结果 1067例胎儿失访17例,余1050胎儿中有上述特征性改变的胎儿33
在网络环境条件下,开展网上文献信息服务十分必要,文章结合网上信息服务的特点与内容,分析了网上信息服务的模式,并提出了相应的服务对策。 Under the condition of network
文章通过对大黑河流域的气候条件、地形地貌、土壤植被等因素的分析,论述大黑河洪水特征形成的原因,并提出治理洪水灾害的措施。 By analyzing the climatic conditions, to
利用水热合成技术将Cu-SAPO-34分子筛直接合成到蜂窝状堇青石上,研究模拟柴油机车尾气中选择性催化还原NO x的能力。采用SEM、XRD、ICP和XPS表征整体式催化剂的形貌、结构、C
本研究通过为动态滤水仪DDJ配置具有数据采集及输出功能的天平,编制软件Drainage Monitor,实现了浆料通过DDJ时动态滤水曲线的实时绘制,为评价浆料动态滤水性能提供了一种简单、快速且可靠的方法,可用于造纸添加剂助滤性能的研究.
A RNG numerical model together with a laboratory measurement with Micro ADV are adopted to investigate the flow through a 180o curved open channel(a 4 m straigh