Establishment of digital model for dynamic simulation analysis on hydraulic impact perforator

来源 :Journal of Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rrtaobao123
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Hydraulic impact perforator is powerful tools for trenchless project. It has advantages in cabinet structure, low cost, long life and easy protected. Compared with pneumatic DTH, the hydraulic impact spear worked under high pressure and using uncompressible fluid thusgreater impact energy and higher efficiency can be supported. The authors founded the dynamic simulation model of HDI-146 hydraulic impact spear. The project for solving the differential equation was suggested also. By means of virtual machine technology, the dynamic mechanism of HDI-146 can be explored and tutoring us to optimize the structural parameters can be made. It has advantages in cabinet structure, low cost, long life and easy protected. Compared with pneumatic DTH, the hydraulic impact spear worked under high pressure and using uncompressible fluid thusgreater impact energy and higher efficiency can be supported. The authors founded the dynamic simulation model of HDI-146 hydraulic impact spear. The project for solving differential equations was suggested also. By means of virtual machine technology, the dynamic mechanism of HDI-146 can be explored and tutoring us to optimize the structural parameters can be made.
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