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本刊目1972年面世,已历经21个春秋,连续出版了100期。今天当我们将《乐器》杂志的第100号奉献出来的时候,我们不会忘记关心、支持刊物的轻工业部、中国乐器协会、北京一轻总公司的主管领导,及北京星海乐器联合公司、北京民族乐器厂、北京管乐器厂、北京海资曼钢琴有限公司、天津乐器工业公司、上海民族乐器一厂、上海管乐器厂、广州琴弦厂、广州远声乐器厂、广州市广东乐器厂、广州乐器工业公司研究所、广东中山钢琴厂、广东华立电子厂、汕头乐器厂、苏州民族乐器一厂、苏州民族乐器三厂、苏 This publication appeared in 1972, has gone through 21 Spring and Autumn Period, published 100 consecutive issues. Today, when we dedicate No. 100 of Musical Instruments Magazine, we will not forget the leaders of the Ministry of Light Industry, China Musical Instrument Association, Beijing I Light Corporation, and Beijing Xinghai Musical Instrument Associates, Beijing National Musical Instrument Factory, Beijing Wind Instrument Factory, Beijing Hai Zi Man Piano Co., Ltd., Tianjin Musical Instrument Industry Co., Ltd., Shanghai National Instrument Factory, Shanghai Wind Instrument Factory, Guangzhou String Factory, Guangzhou Yuan Sheng Instrument Factory, Guangzhou Guangdong Musical Instrument Factory, Guangzhou Musical Instrument Factory Industrial Company Institute, Guangdong Zhongshan Piano Factory, Guangdong Huali Electronics Factory, Shantou Musical Instrument Factory, Suzhou National Instrument Factory, Suzhou National Musical Instrument Factory, Jiangsu
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