Normal breathing in children should be smooth, silent. Throat ringing refers to the whistle sound of throat when inhaling, which should be regarded as pathological and belongs to a symptom caused by larynx or systemic diseases. Pediatric laryngeal anatomy and physiology characteristics of small throat, cartilage scaffold is relatively weak. Epiglottic cartilage narrow and curly, laryngeal mucosa connective tissue loose. In addition, the nervous excitement in children, body resistance is low, there are more opportunities for respiratory infections, these factors are closely related to the occurrence of children with throat. Children with laryngopharyces are sometimes referred to pediatrics, but pediatricians are often not easily diagnosed due to the lack of conditions for examining the larynx. To this end, this article intends to be common in clinical disease can cause throat, most of whom do not need direct laryngoscopy can also be diagnosed) to be analyzed for the diagnosis of laryngopharyngeal reference. First, congenital laryngopharyngeal soft disease This disease, also known as congenital laryngeal wheeze, is the most common cause of clinical laryngeal muff. Although the disease is congenital,