Model Study of IPMC Beam Electroactive Response Based on Root Deformation

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuxuefalv
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Ionic polymer-metal composite (IPMC) is a type of electroactive polymer (EAP). In this paper, based on Nemat-Nasser model, an improved model is developed to explain the initial nonlinear response of electric actuation on the fixed end deformation. Three IPMC strip samples with different surface resistance are chosen for analysis. Further, from simulation and experiment results, it is found that the root deformation made the tip movement of the IPMC strip with little surface resistance, but this effect was less and less when the surface resistance reduced. The calculation results of this model for the fixed end show a more accurate simulation for the actual deformation of IPMC strips. Ionic polymer-metal composite (IPMC) is a type of electroactive polymer (EAP). In this paper, based on Nemat-Nasser model, an improved model is developed to explain the initial nonlinear response of electric actuation on the fixed end deformation. Three Further, from simulation and experiment results, it is found that the root deformation made the tip movement of the IPMC strip with little surface resistance, but this effect was less and less when the surface resistance reduced. The calculation results of this model for the fixed end show a more accurate simulation for the actual deformation of IPMC strips.
原发性低颅内压综合征少见,现报告我院1984年所见诊断正确,疗效卓著的3例。病例报告例1 男,35岁。无任何诱因枕后疼痛,坐立加重,平卧缓解,伴头昏、恶心3天,于1984年1月8日入
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