临沂市中医医院,在沂蒙革命老区这块奉献的热土上发展壮大,已经度过了22个春秋。在这光辉灿烂的不平凡岁月里,她象一颗亮丽的明珠,吸引着国内外千百万各界人士的关注、青睐与爱戴! 临沂市中医医院座落在风景秀美的沂蒙政治、经济、文化中心——临沂市解放路120号。目前是国家三级甲等中医医院、山东省市地级规模最大的综合性中医医院、
Linyi City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has developed and grown on the hot soil of the old revolutionary region of Yimeng and has spent 22 years. In this glorious and extraordinary period, she is like a bright pearl, attracting the attention, favor and love of millions of people from all walks of life at home and abroad! Linyi City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is located in the beautiful scenery of Yimeng politics, economy and culture. Center - No. 120 Jiefang Road, Linyi City. At present, it is a national Grade III A Chinese medicine hospital and the largest and most comprehensive comprehensive Chinese medicine hospital in Shandong Province.