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中国男篮80年代在亚洲称霸的一个重要原因就是有来自江苏的优秀后卫宫鲁鸣、孙凤武两星。自1993年起,坐了四年冷板凳的师弟阿的江终于出了头,担起了第一号组织后卫的重任。十年磨一剑,霜刃亮寒光。阿的江在一年内组织队友相继拿下了世界大学生运动会、亚洲锦标赛、东亚运动会三顶桂冠,起到了中坚和力挽狂澜的突出作用。在国内赛场上他的作用更加引人注目,他以精湛的球艺和稳健刁钻的球路为解放军队夺取了七运会冠军,令年又率领八一队夺回了阔别6年之久的全国联赛金杯。阿的江身高1.80米,父亲是新疆男排宿将,他是典型的维吾尔族人,乐观开朗,招人喜爱,在场上能表现出美国职业选手那样杂耍般的神奇球技,运球如贴身飞旋,传球神出鬼没,突破上篮疾如闪电,令球迷看得如痴如醉。几乎没有人能从他手上抢下球,而他抢一般选手的球却易如反掌。可是,有谁知道,他的这些绝招已苦练了十五年了。他从小就时刻离不开球,十二、三岁起练就了一身在黑夜里运球自如的“第六感觉”。由于他爱球如命,放弃了在新疆男篮的铁饭碗,远离了故乡,考进了北 An important reason why the Chinese men’s basketball team dominated in Asia in the 1980s was that there were two outstanding stars Gong Lu and Sun Fengwu from Jiangsu. Since 1993, the boy who sat on the bench for four years, A-ju, finally got out of his head and shouldered the task of being the No.1 point guard. Ten years grinding sword, frost edge bright cold light. Ah Jiang’s teammates within a year have won the World University Games, the Asian Championships, the East Asian Games three top laurels, played a prominent backbone and turn the tide. His role in the domestic arena more compelling, with his superb ball skills and a steady and tricky ball for the Liberation Army seized the seven games champion, so that in August led the team once again regained the national league after 6 years Gold cup. A river of 1.80 meters tall, his father is a male volleyball veteran in Xinjiang, he is a typical Uygurs, optimistic and cheerful, lovable, on the court can show the same as the United States professional players such magical arcane ball skills, dribble such as personal Spinner, Passing out of control, breaking the basket disease like lightning, mesmerizing fans. Almost no one can grab the ball from his hand, and he grabbed the average player’s ball is easy. However, who knows, his trick has been practiced for 15 years. He can not do without the ball at an early age, twelve, three years old practicing on a dribble in the dark night “Sixth Feeling ”. Because he loved the ball, such as life, gave up the iron rice bowl in Xinjiang men’s basketball team, away from home, admitted to the north
【中图分类号】G623.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)08—0223-02  数学来源于生活,也必须扎根于生活,并且应用于生活。这一观点是课程内容改革的共同取向。《数学课程标准》指出:“要重视从学生的生活实践经验和已有的知识中学习数学和理解数学。”①这句话说明了数学教学的生活性,体现了“数学源于生活,寓于生活,用于生活”的思想。生活离不开数学,数学离不开生活,数学
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