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近年来国内已广泛应用超声波检查辅助诊断传染性肝炎(以下简称肝炎),但各地报导诊断符合率尚不一致,超声波形与病理变化的关系除姚光弼、张嗣汶等报导外,尚少介绍。为了进一步观察超声波检查对肝炎的诊断价值,我们选择了近一年内有肝活体组织检查,且临床材料结合病理变化最后确诊为肝炎者200例,其中黄疸型肝炎52例,无黄疸型肝炎148例(型期划分系参照1961年华东区肝炎会議的诊断标准)以肝穿刺前5天内的超声波形与病理变化和肝功能试验结果(谷—丙转氨酶、麝香草酚浊度、锌浊度、酚溴酞钠试验)进行对比。 In recent years, ultrasound has been widely used in China to diagnose infectious hepatitis (hereinafter referred to as hepatitis), but the coverage reported by the inconsistency is not consistent with the ultrasound waveform and pathological changes in addition to Yao Guangbi, Zhang Sowen and other reports, the introduction is still small. In order to further observe the diagnostic value of ultrasound on hepatitis, we have chosen within nearly a year of liver biopsy, and clinical materials combined with pathological changes were finally diagnosed as hepatitis in 200 cases, including jaundice hepatitis in 52 cases, no jaundice hepatitis in 148 cases (Type of delineation, Department of hepatitis in 1961, according to the diagnostic criteria of Eastern Conference) to 5 days before liver puncture ultrasound and pathological changes and liver function test results (glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, thymol turbidity, zinc turbidity, phenol Bromophyllin sodium test) for comparison.
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