被人誉为画、诗、书三绝的“扬州八怪”之首郑板桥(1693 ̄1765),名燮,字克柔,江苏兴化人。郑板桥自幼聪颖,性格落拓不羁。早年家境贫寒,应科举为“康熙秀才、雍正举人、乾隆进士”,历任山东范县、潍县知县。除了做过十来年七品芝麻官之外,其居官前后,均在扬州卖画为生。有《郑?
Was hailed as painting, poetry, books three absolutely “Yangzhou Baicai” Zheng Banqiao (1693 ~ 1765), the name sup, the word Ke soft, Xinghua, Jiangsu. Zheng Banqiao since childhood, personality uninhibited. Early poor family, should be the imperial examination for “Kangxi scholar, Yongzheng Renren, Qianlong Jinshi”, served as Fan County, Shandong, Weixian magistrate. In addition to doing seventy years of sesame officer, the home officer before and after, are selling paintings in Yangzhou for a living. Have "Zheng?