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本届世博会有哪些先进价值观和思想理念?世博会后,研究、学习和继承上海世博会的理念和价值观,着重研究它对于上海未来发展的深刻意义,将是我们一项重要的功课。本届世博会以“城市”为主题,揭示了世界上多数城市面对的共同课题、共同瓶颈,展现了先进的城市发展潮流,可以说世博会的举办对于上海这个崛起的特大型都市的今后如何发展带来诸多启发。因此,世博会已经结束,但是对于本届世博会的思考则没有结束。本刊从本期起,将陆续刊发此类稿件。我们欢迎来稿来信参与讨论。 After the World Expo, studying, studying and inheriting the concepts and values ​​of the Shanghai World Expo and focusing on its profound significance for the future development of Shanghai will be an important homework for us. With the theme of “City ”, this World Expo reveals the common problems faced by most cities in the world, common bottlenecks and shows the trend of advanced urban development. It can be said that the hosting of the World Expo will be very important for the rise of Shanghai, a mega- How to bring a lot of inspiration. Therefore, the Expo is over, but the thinking about this Expo is not over yet. This issue from the beginning of this issue will be published in succession. We welcome contributions to participate in the discussion letter.
@@ IntroductionThe importance of publication in internationally refereed.j ournals is increasinglyrecognized in Chinese Higher Education.It iS believed to promote