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在纪念建军75周年,迎接党的十六大的胜利召开之际,全军文艺工作者,接连推出了一批大型戏剧新作。这批戏剧新作酝酿时间都比较长,不少剧目从创作之初到现在已经历时两年有余。从选题的确定,剧本的论证,到排练的精雕细刻,再到演出后广泛征求各方面的意见,不断加以修改完善,力求不留缺憾。为确保剧目的高质量,许多文艺团体的创作人员和演员互相支援,互相帮助,形成了强强联合,优势互补,“全军一盘棋”的良好局面。作为继第七届全军文艺会演后军旅戏剧的又一次集体亮相,这批剧目取材范围很广,表现手法新颖独特,艺术水准普遍较高,标志着近两年军队戏剧创作和演出的整体水平又有了相当幅度的提升。紧扣时代脉搏,关注军营生活,及时反映军队现代化建 On the occasion of commemorating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the armed forces and welcoming the victory of the 16th National Congress of the CPC, all art and literature workers in the army launched a series of new works in large-scale dramas one after another. These dramas new brewing time is relatively long, quite a few repertoire from the beginning of creation to now has more than two years. From the selection of topics, demonstration of the script, rehearsal of carving and elaboration, and then to solicit opinions of all walks of life after the performance, constantly improve and perfect, and strive to stay without regret. In order to ensure the high quality of the repertoire, the creative staffs and performers of many literary and artistic groups support each other and help each other and form a good situation in which the all-rounders cooperate with each other and complement each other's advantages. As another collective debut of military brigade drama after the 7th PLA Arts and Culture Society, these repertoires draw on a wide range of materials with novel and unique techniques and generally high artistic standards, marking the overall level of military drama creation and performance in the past two years There has been a considerable increase. Closely follow the pulse of the times, pay attention to the life of military camps, and promptly reflect the modernization of the armed forces
这首皖南重围中口占的七绝,是叶挺同志和钱俊瑞同志三十八年前合作的。标题是我们所加。钱俊瑞同志对这次联句的经过作了以下说明: This Qijiang, an important part of so