Fixing Flaws in the Law

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhu872007990
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China’s top legislature has adopted a draft amendment to the Law on Lawyers that will make it easier for lawyers to meet criminal suspects and obtain evidenceA change to China’s 11-year-old Law on Lawyers is set to empow- er the country’s legal profession. The amendment to the law,which will come into effect on June 1 next year,will allow individuals to open a law firm,improve access to clients and enable lawyers to build a case more easily. Lawyers in China have traditionally lacked power and this has hampered devel- opment of the industry.The amendment could change this and lead to rapid growth in the profession. China’s top legislature has adopted a draft amendment to the Law on Lawyers that will make it easier for lawyers to meet criminal suspects and obtain evidence A change to China’s 11-year-old Law on Lawyers is set to empower the country’s legal profession. The amendment to the law, which will come into effect on June 1 next year, will allow individuals to open a law firm, improve access to clients and enable lawyers to build a case more easily. Lawyers in China have traditionally lacked power and this has hampered devel- opment of the industry. amendment could change this and lead to rapid growth in the profession.
未来很残酷,但是我们要比它更残酷——用我们的心智把它分解成一点一点的,我们会发现,未来其实己经来了。小时候,未来就是2000年。望着到 The future is brutal, but we are
文化是社会意义的承担者,是社会三大系统中的一个重要子系统。正因为如此,肩负起重大历史使命的中国共产党,在新的世纪征程上,义无反顾地宣布要担当起中国先进文化的代表。 代表
在财政管理的岗位上,她本应该有一个光辉灿烂的前程,却因挪用国债券炒股而身陷牢狱。从入狱到出狱,她,一个年轻的女囚,经历了什么样的心理历程,她的眼泪如何由苦变甜…… In
事业辉煌可凭回忆,万贯财富可资享受,而时刻感受快乐满足,是可以用来安顿心灵的。无论你追求的哪一种成功,都不要忘记,那一定应该是你的心灵所求。 Brilliant career, with