Characteristic of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy in and around Laji Shan and its geological sign

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong551
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This paper deals with the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of Laji Shan and its adjacent areas. Cenozoic sediment is a suite of mudstone and sandstone, which underwent weak deformation and no metamorphism. Most of the magnetic ellipsoids are oblate with K_max trending NW-SE, and the minimum axes K_min show a large deviation from the poles of bedding planes with an NE preferred direction. Taken together, they reflect that the magnetic fabric is mainly of tectonic origin. In the study area, the NE-SW orientation of K_min represents the recent principal compression direction. This point is substantiated by the structures in sites where magnetic fabric data are also available. The stress field provides a strong support for the sustained uplift of Laji Shan and its adjacent areas in the late Tertiary-Quaternary period. This paper deals with the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of Laji Shan and its adjacent areas. Cenozoic sediment is a suite of mudstone and sandstone, which underwent weak deformation and no metamorphism. Most of the magnetic ellipsoids are oblate with K_max trending NW- SE, and the minimum axes K_min show a large deviation from the poles of the bedding planes with an NE preferred direction. Taken together, they reflect that the magnetic fabric is mainly of tectonic origin. In the study area, the NE-SW orientation of K_min This point is substantiated by the structures in sites where magnetic fabric data are also available. The stress field provides a strong support for the sustained uplift of Laji Shan and its adjacent areas in the late Tertiary-Quaternary period.
为探讨小儿原发性肾病综合征患儿血清甲状腺激素的变化及其规律 ,我们对 1 991~ 1 999年期间住院的 1 0 0例肾病综合征患儿发病初期与恢复期进行了血清 T3 、T4 、r T3 、TSH
ABS英文全称是ADVANCEDBRAKING SYSTEM中文即防抱制动系统,它是一种具有防滑、防锁死等优点的安全刹车调节系统,能避免在紧急刹车时汽车方向失控、车轮侧滑,不让轮胎在一个
由中华传染病寄生虫病学会全国小儿肝病学组主办 ,广西医科大学第一临床医院儿科协办的第六届全国小儿肝病学术会议于 1999年 9月 15日至 9月 18日在广西南宁召开 ,会议代表1
在中国文化历史上 ,松竹梅古来就有岁寒三友之美称。它们三位在冰天雪地之中 ,青松傲雪、翠竹刚健、红梅报春 ,绘成一幅寒冬将去 ,新春要来的泼墨山水画 ,表达了真挚的友谊和