Efficient spectrum prediction and inverse design for plasmonic waveguide systems based on artificial

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In this paper, we propose a novel approach to achieve spectrum prediction, parameter fitting, inverse design, and performance optimization for the plasmonic waveguide-coupled with cavities structure (PWCCS) based on artificial neural networks (ANNs). The Fano resonance and plasmon-induced transparency effect originated from the PWCCS have been selected as illustrations to verify the effectiveness of ANNs. We use the genetic algorithm to design the network architecture and select the hyperparameters for ANNs. Once ANNs are trained by using a small sampling of the data generated by the Monte Carlo method, the transmission spectra predicted by the ANNs are quite approximate to the simulated results. The physical mechanisms behind the phenomena are discussed theoretically, and the uncertain parameters in the theoretical models are fitted by utilizing the trained ANNs. More importantly, our results demonstrate that this model-driven method not only realizes the inverse design of the PWCCS with high precision but also optimizes some critical performance metrics for the transmission spectrum. Compared with previous works, we construct a novel model-driven analysis method for the PWCCS that is expected to have significant applications in the device design, performance optimization, variability analysis, defect detection, theoretical modeling, optical interconnects, and so on.
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目前广泛应用的光子相关光谱(PCS)颗粒测量系统中, 光子相关器动态范围的设置需要与实际待测颗粒的光强自相关函数曲线衰减区间相匹配, 这样, 相关器才能给出具有最佳分辨率的自相关函数曲线。然而, 在实际测量过程中, 待测颗粒体系的粒度分布范围通常是未知的, 因此需要对参数进行多次修正才能得到最佳的分辨率效果。对此, 提出一种可根据被测颗粒体系的粒度分布范围变化, 自适应修正测量参数进行光子相关器动态范围调整的方法。该方法通过初始采样时间的选择和相关通道采样时间的再分配, 实现测量过程中的相关器动态范围调整