Wound healing activity of Abroma augusta in Wistar rats

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ananluo2009
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Objective:The study was undertaken to evaluate the wound healing profile of alcoholic extract of Abroma augusta and its effect on dexamethasone suppressed wound healing in Wistar rats.Methods:An alcoholic extract of Abroma augusta was prepared.Three models were used - incision,excision and dead space wound models. Four groups of animals were used for each model.They were administered 2%gum acacia(orally),alcoholic extract of Abroma augusta(orally),dexamethasone(intramuscularly) and combination of Abroma augusta(orally) with dexamethasone(intramuscularly) respectively.The parameters studied included breaking strength of incision wound,period of epithelization and wound contraction rate in the excision wound,breaking strength,dry weight and hydroxyproline content of granulation tissue in dead space wound.Results:The breaking strength of incision wound of Abroma augusta treated group was significantly increased(P <0.001 ) while that of dexamethasone treated animals was significantly decreased(P<0.001) as compared to control. Coadministration of dexamethasone and Abroma augusta significantly reversed the dexamethasone suppressed wound healing in incision wound model(P< 0.001 ).Animals treated with both dexamethasone and Abroma augusta also showed significant(P <0.004) increase in the breaking strength of granulation tissue in the dead space wound and a significant(P <0.011) reduction in the period of epithelization in the excision wound as compared to rats treated with dexamethasone alone.The rate of wound contraction was not significantly altered in any of the groups.Conclusion:The alcoholic extract of Abroma augusta was found to reverse dexamethasone suppressed wound healing. Objective: The study was undertaken to evaluate the wound healing profile of alcoholic extract of Abroma augusta and its effect on dexamethasone implosion wound healing in Wistar rats. Methods: An alcoholic extract of Abroma augusta was prepared. Three models were used - incision, excision and dead space wound models. Four groups of animals were used for each model. They were administered 2% gum acacia (orally), alcoholic extract of Abroma augusta (orally), dexamethasone (intramuscularly) and combination of Abroma augusta (orally) with dexamethasone intramuscularly) respectively.The parameters studied included breaking strength of incision wound, period of epithelization and wound contraction rate in the excision wound, breaking strength, dry weight and hydroxyproline content of granulation tissue in dead space wound. Results: The breaking strength of incision wound of Abroma augusta treated group was significantly increased (P <0.001) while that of dexamethasone treated animals was significantly decreed Ased (P <0.001) as compared to control. Coadministration of dexamethasone and Abroma augusta-draped dexamethasone suppressed wound healing in incision wound model (P <0.001). Animals treated with both dexamethasone and Abroma augusta also showed significant (P <0.004) increase in the breaking strength of granulation tissue in the dead space wound and a significant (P <0.011) reduction in the period of epithelization in the excision wound as compared to rats treated with dexamethasone alone. rate of wound contraction was not significantly altered in any of the groups. Confluence: The alcoholic extract of Abroma augusta was found to reverse dexamethasone suppressed wound healing.
走进上海百年老监狱——提篮桥监狱的大墙内,迎面一幢九层的铺有红色墙砖的大楼,它就是上海市监狱总医院。  “我们这里的病人来自全市政法系统,有监狱、劳教所、看守所等部门,我们收治的对象主要是已决犯、未决犯和劳教人员。”监狱总医院政委吴金标在介绍医院情况时开门见山地说。“当然,医院的宗旨还是体现了人道主义这个永恒的旋律”。符建新副院长补充说。  确实,笔者在采访中所见所闻,印证了他们的表述。 不久前
异名:HR—158,Ru31158,Dormonoct Halvan 化学名:6—(O—氯苯基)—1,2—二氢—2—[(N—甲基—哌嗪—1—基)亚甲基]—8—硝基—1H,4H—咪唑并(1,2—A)—1,4—苯并二氮杂草—1
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