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流行性腮腺炎(下简称流腮)是常见的传染病。但颌下腺型,即单纯或早期引起颌下腺炎者临床较少见,多首先就诊于口腔科,易被误诊为颌下淋巴结炎等疾病。1986~1989年,我们共接诊92例颌下腺型流腮病人,其中有12例误诊,现将误诊原因分析总结如下。 本组误诊12例中,男9例,女3例。年龄1~13岁,其中6~10岁9例,占75%。误诊为颌下淋巴结炎5例,误诊为扁桃体炎并颌下淋巴结炎3例误诊为根尖周围炎并颌下淋巴结炎2例,误诊为颌下间隙感染2例。 误诊原因分析 1、腮在三对唾液腺中,首先及经常侵犯的是腮腺,同时伴有颌下腺炎者只占5~31%,而单纯颌下腺型比例更低(我院统计占3.7%),故易被接 Mumps (hereinafter referred to as gills) is a common infectious disease. However, submandibular gland type, that is, simple or early cause of submandibular gland inflammation clinical less common, and more first visit to the dentistry, easily misdiagnosed as submandibular lymphadenitis and other diseases. From 1986 to 1989, we received a total of 92 cases of submandibular gland mumps, of which 12 cases were misdiagnosed. The reasons for the misdiagnosis are summarized as follows. In this group of misdiagnosed 12 cases, 9 males and 3 females. Aged 1 to 13 years old, of which 6 to 10 years in 9 cases, accounting for 75%. Misdiagnosed as submandibular lymphadenitis in 5 cases, misdiagnosed as tonsillitis and submandibular lymphadenitis in 3 cases misdiagnosed as periapical inflammation and submandibular lymphadenitis in 2 cases, misdiagnosed as submandibular space infection in 2 cases. Causes of misdiagnosis 1, gills in the three pairs of salivary glands, first and often violations of the parotid gland, accompanied by submandibular gland inflammation accounted for only 5 to 31%, while the simple submandibular gland type is lower (our hospital statistics accounted for 3.7%), so Easy to be connected
一、歌谣助忆法有些独体字(部首)作偏旁,其笔画往往要变形或固定位置。对这类的偏旁,可根据它的变形规律或固定的位置,制作歌谣,以助记忆。如: 偏旁有横横变提(块、孙、理、
领导哲学是领导科学的基础理论,是关于领导活动的世界观和方法论的学问。中国的领导哲学与马克思主义哲学县个别与一般的关系。 毛泽东虽然没有专门提出“领导哲学”这一概
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我站1986年在洽疗血吸虫病时,有两例儿童首次服吡喹酮0.5h后,全身出现丘疹,风团块,红斑等反应。 病例一 患儿,男,12岁,学生,入院时一般情况尚可,肝功能正常,三大常规检查基
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