Skin Friction Gage for Measurements in Hypersonic Flow

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yao080803
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A description and results of tests of a new small-scale gage for direct measurement of skin friction force are presented in the paper. The gage design provides separated measurement of longitudinal and transversal component of friction force. Application of this scheme provides high sensitivity and necessary high-frequency response of the gage. The tests of the gage were carried out in a blow down wind tunnel at Mach numbers of 2 and 4 within the range of Reynolds numbers Rex from 0.8 to 5 million and in the hot-shot wind tunnel at Mach number 6 and Reynolds numbers Rex= 2.5-10 million. The measurements of skin friction were carried out on a flat plate and on a ramp beyond the shock wave. Simultaneously with the direct measurement of friction in the blow down wind tunnel, the measurements of profiles of average velocities and mass flow rate pulsations were realised. Analysis of measurement errors has shown that the friction gage permits to measure skin friction coefficient on a flat plate with mistake n A description and results of tests of a new small-scale gage for direct measurement of skin friction force are presented in the paper. The gage design provides separated measurement of longitudinal and transversal component of friction force. high-frequency response of the gage. The tests of the gage were carried out in a blow down wind tunnel at Mach numbers of 2 and 4 within the range of Reynolds numbers Rex from 0.8 to 5 million and in the hot-shot wind tunnel at Mach numbers 6 and Reynolds numbers Rex = 2.5-10 million. The measurements of skin friction were carried out on a flat plate and on a ramp beyond the shock wave. Simultaneously with the direct measurement of friction in the blow down wind tunnel, the measurements of profiles of average velocities and mass flow rate pulsations were realized. Analysis of measurement errors has shown that the friction gage permits to measure skin friction coefficient on a flat pl ate with mistake n
隆冬时节,东北地区普降大雪,寒气袭人。为适应严寒条件下作战需要,提高遂行任务能力,沈阳军区预备役部队顶风雪、斗严寒, 结合作战预案,进行了5昼夜的冬季适应性训练,完成了
20 0 2年 1 2月 1 9日 ,四川省人大财经委、四川省社科院法学所、《社会科学研究》杂志社联合举办了“地方法制建设与提高地方经济立法质量”学术研讨会。来自省内部分高校、
2002年5月11日,沈阳桃仙机场出现了开航以来最强的初雷天气,并且伴随着冰雹、大风等复杂天气现象,前后持续了九个多小时。本文应用水平分辨率为15km、垂直分23层的Penn State/NCAR的中尺度模式MM5,利用NCEP再分析输出场资料、常规观测资料及713雷达资料,研究了这次初雷降雹的全过程。从雷达图象分析,此次过程是两个先后发展的两个尺度为60km左右的γ中尺度对流系统造成。通过把降水