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巴比伦空中花园空中花园位于Euphrates河东面,伊拉克首都巴格达以南50里左右,四大文明古国之一巴比伦中。巴比伦的空中花园当然不是吊于空中,这个名字的由来纯粹是因为人们把原本除有“吊”之外,还有“突出”之意的希腊文“kremastos”及拉丁文“pensilis”错误翻译所致。宙斯 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon Sky Garden is located in the east of the Euphrates River, about 50 miles south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, and one of the four ancient civilizations in Babylon. The garden of Babylon’s sky garden was certainly not suspended in the air. The name originated purely from people’s mistranslations of the original “kremastos” and the Latin “pensilis” that were originally “hanging” and “prominent”. To. Zeus
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Days of witchery, subtly sweet, When every hill and tree finds heart, When winter and spring like lovers meet In the mist of noon and part-In the April days. D
考试形式 试题卷采用闭卷形式,考试时间为120分钟,满分为150分。二、试卷结构试卷由Ⅰ卷和Ⅱ卷两部分组成。第Ⅰ卷为客观性试题,包括第一、二、三部分。第Ⅱ卷为主观性试题,
学生:“搞卫生为什么非把这些草拔掉呢?报上说他们的好处很多呢!”老师:“这谁不知道,可明天上 Students: “Why don’t we get these grasses out of hygienic? The newspa
许婧:来自北国油城的我,人如其名。我活泼,爱笑,喜欢音乐和交友。我相信:付出就有回报,努力就会成功。  Xu Jing: I’m from oil-city Da Qing, I’m a person as well as my name. I am lively and I like laughing, I love music and making friends. I believe tha