
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvxinjj
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○本文根据电视这一重要舆论工具的社会功能,结合电视具有的特点,论述了它在舆论监督中所能发挥的重要作用。所谓舆论监督,就是公众通过新闻媒介对党政机关和公职人员的决策、施政以及行为实施的批评、建议、检举和控告等等,还包括对各种社会问题的揭露与批评。中外新闻学者都认为,新闻媒介的功能主要包括传播新闻、传递信息、提供娱乐和推销商品四种功能。而舆论监督就是传递信 ○ According to the social function of TV as an important public opinion tool and the characteristics of TV, this article discusses the important role it can play in the supervision of public opinion. The so-called public opinion supervision is the public’s criticism, suggestion, accusation and accusation of the decision-making, governance and conduct of the party and government organs and public officials through the news media. It also includes exposing and criticizing various social issues. Both Chinese and foreign journalists agree that the functions of the news media mainly include the four functions of disseminating news, transmitting information, providing entertainment and selling goods. And public opinion is to pass the letter
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