
来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:banban0802
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1 区分卫生监督补偿收费与有偿服务收费 现在很多场合把补偿卫生防疫经费的创收收入统称为有偿服务收费,笔者认为这种提法是不科学的。所谓的有偿服务就是为服务对象提供特定的服务,服务对象给付服务者一定报酬。而卫生防疫机构除提供服务收取报酬外,相当比例的收入是依附于行政法律法规的执行而产生,如监督监测收费。这类收费是不能等同于有偿服务收费的。所以卫生防疫经费补偿收入,根据收入是执法活动中产生的,还是提供服务报酬可分为两类。 1 Distinguishing between health supervision compensation fees and paid service charges There are many occasions where the income from income compensation for health and epidemic prevention funds is collectively referred to as paid service charges. The author believes that this formulation is unscientific. The so-called paid service is to provide a specific service for the service object, and the service object pays the service provider a certain amount of compensation. In addition to receiving remuneration for services provided by health and epidemic prevention agencies, a considerable proportion of income is generated by the implementation of administrative laws and regulations, such as supervision and monitoring of charges. Such charges cannot be equated to fees for paid services. Therefore, compensation income for health and epidemic prevention funds can be divided into two categories based on whether income is generated during law enforcement activities or whether service compensation is provided.
在英语考试时,很多学生败在了作文上。英语作文不像语文作文那样,想到什么就能写出来,大多数学生都要先拟好中文再把它翻译出来。所以,要写好英语作文绝对不是一件易事。但是,和中文作文一样,英文写作也是有技巧的。  下面,就给大家总结一下英语作文里比较常用和比较能拿分的6种结尾方法。  一、首尾呼应,画龙点睛  文章结尾采用意蕴深刻的话语,能起到点明和深化主题的效果,可谓画龙点睛。  如“I Cannot
1 完整理解以法治国方略,奠定卫生法制管理基础 从“法制”到“法治”只是一字之别,但法的地位和内涵都发生了深刻变化。我们通常所说“法制”是法律的制定、执行和遵守,是
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内部授精和胎生容易在生活 neopterygian 鱼(14 个硬骨鱼类家庭) 被观察并且很好学习了,但是他们是困难的由于石块记录的限制在绝灭的 taxa 识别。从中间的 Peltopleuriformes
目的 研究临床分离的产超广谱β内酰胺酶(extended spectrum β lactamases,ESBLs)大肠杆菌对常用抗生素的耐药性及其基因类型.方法 应用双纸片扩散法及E test检测ESBLs;微量稀释法测定产ESBLs大肠杆菌对临床常用抗生素的耐药性;全自动核型分析和脉冲场凝胶电泳(pulsed field gel electrophoresis,PFGE)研究产ESBLs大肠杆菌
A detailed stratigraphic division is made in the late Pleistocene loess formation of the central Loess Plateau of China bv the studv of newly found Q_3 loess se
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