依靠科技进步 为发展山区经济作出新贡献——河南省水土保持科研工作回顾与“九五”展望

来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nmg_zl
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河南省地处中原,位于山区到平原的过渡地带,地貌类型复杂多样,气候过渡特征明显,地跨黄、淮、海、长江四大水系.全省山丘区面积7.9万km~2,占总面积的47.3%,水土流失面积占山丘区面积的76.7%,是水土流失较严重的省份之一.严重的水土流失造成土地生产力下降,生态环境恶化,自然灾害频繁,人民生活贫困.新中国建立以来,在各级政府领导下,全省人民大搞治山治水的水土保持群众运动,同穷山恶水进行了不懈的斗争.进入90年代以来,我省以经济效益为中心,大力发展小流域经济,逐步把水土保持引入产业化发展的新轨道,取得了显著的成就.截至1995年底止,全省已累计完成水土流失初步治理面积3.21万km~2,治理程度达53%,其中:修建梯田58.93万hm~2,建设沟坝地9.86万hm~2,营造水保林157.06万hm~2、经济林果24.46万hm~2,种草7.66万hm~2.水土保持措施的实施,使治理区的生态环境明显改善,经济效益显著提高,其中增产粮食12.39亿kg,综合增值达28.38亿元,为促进我省山区经济和农业的可持续发展作出了贡献. Located in the Central Plains, Henan Province is located in the transition zone from mountainous area to plains. The landscape types are complex and diversified, with obvious climatic transitional features, spanning the Yellow River, Huaihe River and Yangtze River.They have an area of ​​79,000 km ~ 2 47.3% of the total area, soil erosion area accounting for 76.7% of the hill area, soil erosion is more serious one of the provinces. Severe soil erosion caused land productivity decline, ecological deterioration, frequent natural disasters, people living in poverty. Since the founding of China, under the leadership of governments at all levels, people across the province have made great efforts to carry out mass campaigns for water and soil conservation and water and soil conservation, and have made untiring struggles with poor hills and bad water. Since the 1990s, our province has been vigorously developing the economy of small watersheds , And gradually introduced water and soil conservation into the new track of industrialization and achieved remarkable achievements. As of the end of 1995, the province has already completed a total of 33,100 km 2 of primary control area for soil and water loss and a degree of governance of 53%, of which: 589,300 hm 2, and construction of 96,600 hm 2 of ditch dam, creating 1,570,600 hm 2 of water conservation forest, 244,600 hm 2 of economic fruit and 76,600 hm 2 of grass planting. The ecological environment of the district changed obviously Good and economic benefits improved significantly, of which 1.239 billion kg of grain was increased and comprehensive value added reached 2.838 billion yuan, making a contribution to promoting the sustainable development of economy and agriculture of our province.
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