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早在20世纪50年代初,各国摩托车设计大师们便开始研究、揣摩如何把飞机那优美的流线体造型、豪华舒适的驾驶舱、迅雷不及掩耳的速度以及众多尖端技术移植到摩托车上,使小巧玲珑、机动灵活的摩托车如虎添翼。然而近半个世纪过去了,人们的梦想始终不能如愿。“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”。进入21世纪,美国 President 公司全体员工经过近5年艰苦卓绝的努力,2005年伊始终于梦想成真,正式批量推出了 ECO 系列飞机式摩托车。媒体抢先报道了这一爆炸性新闻,同年2月12日我国央视新闻频道国际时讯栏目也作了相关报道,媒界推波助澜,车迷趋之若鹜。President 公司为保护自己的知识产权,防止克隆仿制,已先后分别在美国、瑞士、奥地利、德国,卢森堡、瑞典、比利时、澳大利亚、加拿 As early as the early 1950s, motorbike design masters from all over the world began to study and figure out how to portray the beautiful streamlined body shape of the aircraft, luxurious and comfortable cockpit, speed of lightning and numerous cutting-edge technologies to motorcycles On the small and exquisite, flexible motorcycles even more powerful. Nearly half a century has passed, however, and people’s dreams have never been fulfilled. “Bao Jian Feng from the honed, plum incense from bitter cold to ”. Into the 21st century, the President of the United States after nearly five years of hard work of all staff hard and arduous efforts, the beginning of 2005 has always been a dream come true, the official launch of the ECO series of aircraft-based motorcycle. The media first reported this explosive news, in the same year on February 12 CCTV news channel international news section also made a related report, the media fueling the fans rush. President company to protect their own intellectual property, to prevent the cloning of imitation, have respectively in the United States, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Sweden, Belgium, Australia, Canada
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