2001年乡镇企业十大新闻 十大新闻人物揭晓

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由《中国乡镇企业报》和本社等首都十家新闻出版单位推选的2001年度乡镇企业十大新闻、十大新闻人物日前在京揭晓。2001年十大新闻的首选条目是:我国外贸出口的40%来自乡镇企业,在农业部与对外经济贸易部联合召开的乡镇企业外向型经济工作会上,500家乡镇创业企业受到表彰。其它入选十大新闻的有:为期5年的乡镇企业东西合作示范工程,签订5万多项目,引进资金1400多亿元;农业部发布《乡镇企业发展“十五”计划》;农村个体私有企业和混合所有制企业增势强劲,其从业人员和增加值均占乡镇企业70%以上;“格兰仕”等多家乡镇企业产品被确认为2001年中国名牌产品;农业部、建设部和国土资源部联合发出《关于促进乡镇企业向小城 The top ten news and top ten news reporters from the township and township enterprises in 2001 selected by the ten newspapers and publishing companies including the “China Township Enterprise News” and the headquarters were announced in Beijing recently. The top entry for the Top Ten News in 2001 was: 40% of China’s foreign trade exports came from township enterprises. At the township and township enterprises’ outward-oriented economic work conference jointly organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, 500 township and township start-up companies were honored. Other selected top ten news include: a five-year demonstration project of east-west co-operation between township and village enterprises, signing more than 50,000 projects, introducing more than 140 billion yuan of funds, and the Ministry of Agriculture promulgating the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” for the development of township enterprises; Private enterprises and mixed-ownership enterprises have shown strong growth. Their employees and value-added have accounted for more than 70% of township enterprises; “Galanz” and many other township and village enterprises have been recognized as China’s famous brand products in 2001; the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Construction and Ministry of Land and Resources jointly issued "on promoting township enterprises to small cities
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