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随着核医学学科研究及技术的迅猛发展,核医学的诊疗手段得到了广泛应用。现我国许多中小型医院均设立了核医学科,其在发挥独特诊疗作用的同时,也存在若干问题亟待解决。 一、中小型医院核医学科存在的问题 (一)医院整体规模决定了核医学科不可能超越其所处的层次。一方面,接诊病源量相对较小,接诊病种较少,制约了检查项目的完善及检查标本量的增加。另一方面,旧有的核医学检查已不具备明显优势,而新型的在临床上有重要价值的核医学仪器及配套的试剂、耗材等往往较为昂贵,相应 With the rapid development of nuclear medicine research and technology, nuclear medicine diagnosis and treatment methods have been widely used. At present, many small and medium-sized hospitals in China have established nuclear medicine departments. While playing a unique role in diagnosis and treatment, there are also a number of problems that need to be resolved. I. Problems in the nuclear medicine department of small and medium-sized hospitals (1) The overall size of the hospital determines that the nuclear medicine department cannot exceed its level. On the one hand, the number of patients receiving the disease is relatively small, and the number of patients receiving the consultation is relatively small, which restricts the improvement of the examination items and the increase of the amount of examination specimens. On the other hand, old nuclear medicine examinations do not have obvious advantages, and new types of nuclear medicine instruments and their associated reagents and consumables that are of clinically important value are often relatively expensive.
我区上林县于1982年春试栽芦笋三百亩,夏季普遍发生茎枯病,重病地病茎率80%以上,病情最严重的芦笋地植株一片枯黄甚至枯死,造成失收。一、病原的鉴定 Shanglin County in th
自从化学农药投入使用以来,人们十分注重防治效果,却很少注意对生态环境的影响。高残留农药的大量使用,对生态平衡及环境的影响日趋严重。化学性质稳定的六六 Since the ch
目的 探讨甘草酸对犬心脏停跳复苏后脑复苏的影响及其机制.方法18只健康杂种犬随机分为3组(n=6):对照组(A组)、心脏复跳后常规治疗组(B组)、心脏复跳后甘草酸治疗组(C组),A组开胸后不作处理,术毕观察8 h;B组心脏停跳18 min,复跳10 min时静脉输注20%甘露醇5ml·kg-1和地塞米松1 mg·kg-1,复跳6 h时追加半量,并根据血气结果静脉输注适量碳酸氢钠,术毕观察8 h;C
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国内外众多研究表明 ,被动吸烟和很多危害生命的健康效应如肺癌和冠心病有因果联系。为了解公共场所禁烟法规在医院中的执行效果 ,我们选择了颁布禁烟法规较早的威海市 ,于 2
奇斑瓢虫 Harmoniau hars Musan 是西藏东南部河谷农区埔食蚜虫的优势无敌种类之一。作者在整理所收藏的瓢虫本时.从奇斑瓢虫斑点的大小、数目、颜色及体色的规律的变化为线