In 2001, the Ministry of Education promulgated the “Outline of Curriculum Reform in Basic Education (Trial)”, studied and formulated the experimental draft of the 18-course curriculum standard for compulsory education, and the experimental textbooks for 49 new primary and secondary new curriculum in 20 disciplines were tested in 27 Provincial (city, district) national experimental zone put into trial, this year will also start the work of the provincial experimental area, ordinary senior high school curriculum standards for all subjects will be issued by the end of this year, the fall of 2005, primary and secondary stages of the beginning Grade will use the new curriculum. This marks the top-down reform of basic education curriculum has entered a crucial stage. However, apart from the experimental areas and some large and medium-sized cities, education in most areas is still slash-and-burn. This situation will seriously block the implementation of new curriculum plans and standards. The ancients said: “Everything preconceived, without prejudice.” In order to adapt to the upcoming comprehensive curriculum reform, grassroots education departments must respond.