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记得是初夏,一位萧性画家来到编辑部,希望能对他和他的画进行报道,说哪怕文字短点也行。 对此,我不以为怪。新闻界外的人,想出点名,扩大点影响,无论是自己找上门,还是托人捎口信,这都不算什么,只要值得一写,有新闻价值。 一周以后,当我从同事手中拿到有关这位画家的介绍材料时,我怔住了:那材料上说他是“国际科学艺术巨星、重彩壁画新艺术创始人宗师”,说他“融合东西方绘画艺术特点,开创新的绘画艺术领域,总结吸收了西方12世纪至19世纪油画、粉画、水彩画、壁画大师如:达芬奇、凡高、毕加索等50多位著名画家的不同画法和中国古代3000多年工笔重彩画及近代抽象写意画、民间电烙工艺画等诸种技术精华,巧妙汇合推创出高于世界诸画种的最 I remember in early summer, a Xiao painter came to the editorial department, hoping to report on him and his paintings, saying that even short writing would be fine. In this regard, I do not blame. People outside the press, come up with a name, to expand the impact of the point, whether it is to find their own home, or entrusted with the message, it is nothing, as long as worth writing, a news value. A week later, when I got some introductory material about the artist from my colleague, I was shocked: It was said that he was “a master of the international science of art and a founder of the new art of fantastic murals,” saying that he "fused things Fang painting art characteristics, and create a new field of painting art, summarizes the absorption of the West from the 12th to the 19th century oil paintings, pasta, watercolor, mural master such as: Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh, Picasso and other famous painter more than 50 different painting And the ancient Chinese 3000 years of heavy color painting and modern abstract freehand brushwork, folk ironing art and other technical essences, ingeniously pushed together to create a higher than the world’s most all kinds of paintings
Using 2-D electrophoresis and virus overlay assay, a 50-kDa protein (P50) exhibiting specific binding to purified virus particles of BYDV-GAV was found in the p
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“阿瘦皮鞋” 自50年代起家,经过几十年的发展,如今已是台湾鞋业的翘楚,在全省拥有20余家连锁店.“阿瘦皮鞋” 在台湾几乎家喻户晓,而其创始人罗水木的传奇故事,则鲜为人知.