15 ThingS Highly Confident People Don’t Do 自信十足的人从不会做的15件事

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   Highly confident people believe in their ability to achieve. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else put their faith in you? To walk with swagger and improve your self-confldence, watch out for these fifteen things highly confident people don’t do.
   1. They Don’t Make Excuses
   Highly confident people take ownership of their thoughts and actions. They don’t blame the traffic for being tardy at work; they were late. They don’t excuse their shortcomings with excuses like“I don’t have the time.” or“I’m just not good enough.”; they make the time and they keep on improving until they are good enough.
   2. They Don’t Avoid Doing the Scary Thing
   Highly confident people don’t let fear dominate their lives. They know that the things they are afraid of doing are often the very same things that they need to do in order to evolve into the person they are meant to be.
   3. They Don’t Live in a Bubble of Comfort
   Highly confident people avoid the comfort zone, because they know this is a place where dreams die. They actively pursue a feeling of discomfort, because they know stretching themselves is mandatory for their success.
   4. They Don’t Put Things off Until Next Week
   Highly confident people know that a good plan executed today is better than a great plan executed someday. They don’t wait for the“right time”or the“right circumstances”, because they know these reactions are based on a fear of change. They take action here, now, today because that’s where progress happens.
   5. They Don’t Obsess Over the Opinions of Others
   Highly confident people don’t get caught up in negative feedback. While they do care about the well being of others and aim to make a positive impact in the world, they don’t get caught up in negative opinions that they can’t do anything about. They know that their true friends will accept them as they are, and they don’t concem themselves with the rest.    自信十足的人不会陷入负面的反馈。尽管他们的确关注其他人的幸福安康,并致力于对世界产生积极的影响,但他们并不会陷入那些他们认为对此无能为力的负面看法中。他们知道,真正的朋友会接受他们的现状,至于其他人的想法,他们并不在意。
   6. They Don’t Judge People
   Highly confident people have no tolerance for unnecessary, self-inflicted drama. They don’t feel the need to insult fnends behind their backs, participate in gossip about fellow co-workers or lash out at folks with different opinions. They are so comfortable in who they are that they feel no need to look down on other people.
   7. They Don’t Let Lack of Resources Stop Them
   Highly confident people can make use of whatever resources they have, no matter how big or small. They know that all things are possible with creativity and a refusal to quit. They don’t agonize over setbacks, but rather focus on finding a solution.
   8. They Don’t Make Comparisons
   Highly confident people know that they are not competing with any other person. They compete with no other individual except the person they were yesterday. They know that every person is Iiving a story so unique that drawing compansons would be an absurd and simplistic exercise in futility.
   9. They Don’t Find Joy in People-pleasing
   Highly confident people have no interest in pleasing every person they meet. They are aware that not all people get along, and that’s just how life works. They focus on the quality of their relationships, instead of the quantity of them.
   10. They Don’t Need Constant Reassurance
   Highly confident people aren’t in need of handholding. They know that life isn’t fair and things won’t always go their way. While they can’t control every event in their life, they focus on their power to react in a positive way that moves them forward.
   11. They Don’t Avoid Life’s“Inconvenient Truths”
   Highly confident people confront life’s issues at the root before the disease can spread any farther. They know that problems left unaddressed have a way of multiplying as the days, weeks and months go by. They would rather have an un-comfortable conversation with their partner today than sweep an inconvenient truth under the rug, putting trust at risk.    自信十足的人往往从根源入手,直面人生中的难题,而不是等到后果扩散地更远而再去应对。他们知道,如果放任问题不去处理,它们就会随着每天、每周、每月的积累而扩大。他们宁愿就在今天与合伙人进行一次尴尬的对话,也不愿冒着失去信任的危险,掩盖这个“不方便的真相”。
   12. They Don’t Quit Because of Minor Set-backs
   Highly confident people get back up every time they fall down. They know that failure is an unavoidable part of the growth process. They are like a detective, searching for clues that reveal why this approach didn’t work.After modifying their plan, they try again (but better this time).
   13. They Don’t Require Anyone’s Permission to Act
  Highly confident people take action without hesitation. Every day, they remind themselves, “If not me, who?”
   14. They Don’t Limit Themselves to a Small Toolbox
   Highly confident people don’t limit themselves to Plan A. They make use of any and all weapons that are at their disposal, relentlessly testing the effectiveness of every approach, until they identify the strategies that offer the most results for the least cost in time and effort.
   15. They Don’t Blindly Accept What They Read on the Intemet as“Truth” Without Thinking About It
   Highly confident people don’t accept articles on the Internet as truth just because some author“said so”. They look at every how to article from the lens of their unique perspective. They maintain a healthy skepticism, making use of any material that is relevant to their lives, and forgetting about the rest. While articles like this are a fun and interesting thought-exercise, highly confident people know that they are the only person with the power to decide what“confidence”means.
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阿纳托尔·法朗士是法国著名的作家。他出生于巴黎的一个书商家庭,少年时因为经常帮父亲编写书目、图书简介等,法朗士开始对文学产生了非常大的兴趣。闲暇时,法朗士会尝试着去写一些文章,有时还会和父亲一起写同题诗歌,这令他感到非常快乐。  有一次,父亲看到法朗士的一首诗歌后,对其大加称赞,并建议他向报社投稿。受到鼓励的法朗士把自己写的那首诗歌认真地抄写了一遍,然后亲自到附近的一家报社去投稿。然而还没过多久,