Optimization of Holding Temperature and Holding Thickness for Controlled Rolling on Plate Mill

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:phoebus
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Holding temperature and holding thickness are main parameters for two-phase controlled rolling on platemill . The opti mization of holding temperature and holding thickness for pass schedule calculation of two-phasecontrolled rolling on plate mill was presented and its feature is as follows :(1) Determination of holding thicknesscan be automatically obtained based on the influence of mill safetyli mits ,tracking zone length and holding ti me onholding thickness ;(2) Determination of holding temperature can be automatically obtained and the holding ti mecan be reduced as much as possible ;(3) Algorithmcan modify the holding temperature and thickness depending onslab size and product size . Holding temperature and holding thickness are main parameters for two-phase controlled rolling on platemill. The opti mization of holding temperature and holding thickness for pass schedule calculation of two-phase controlled rolling on plate mill was presented and its feature is as follows: (1) Determination of holding temperature can be automatically obtained based on the influence of mill safetyli mits, tracking zone length and holding ti me onholding thickness; (2) Determination of holding temperature can be automatically obtained and holding ti mecan be reduced as much as possible; ( 3) Algorithmcan modify the holding temperature and thickness depending onslab size and product size.
MDS-55微处理器开发系统,是一种利用普通微机作为主机的通用型开发系统。 MDS-55采用了I~2ICE结构、全程自动断点调试和在位仿真等先进技术,可以提供有力的交互开发功能,支
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