
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmmzyh
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目的 进一步清除残存传染源 ,达到消灭丝虫病的目标。方法 按《基本消灭丝虫病地区监测工作技术方案》和《丝虫病防治手册》的技术要求开展监测。结果 病原横向监测在 78个村 (居 )委监测人群 6 6 6 0 0人 ,除在我省丝虫病防治薄弱环节地区琼山市龙桥镇挺丰村委会查到 9例阳性病人外 ,其它村 (居 )委会均未查到阳性病人 ;蚊媒监测在 18个病原监测点内捕捉人房致倦库蚊 2 15 74只解剖 ,均未发现蚴丝虫自然感染蚊 ;每年开展的血清学监测 ,人群丝虫抗体阳性率和抗体滴度接近非丝虫病流行区健康人群水平。结论 海南省基本消灭丝虫病的成果是巩固的 ,残存传染源已趋向自然净化 ,丝虫病的传播已被阻断。但我省丝虫病防治的薄弱环节地区仍发现阳性病人 ,为了灭病务尽 ,防止丝虫病死灰复燃 ,今后应加强对我省丝虫病防治簿弱环节地区和边远贫困地区开展监测 ,尽一切可能去查找传染源。 Objective To further clear the source of residual infection and achieve the goal of eradicating filariasis. Methods The monitoring was carried out according to the technical requirements of the Technical Plan for the Monitoring of Filariasis Elimination and the Manual of Filariasis Prevention and Control. Results The pathogen was monitored horizontally in a total of 6 6 6 0 0 in 78 villages (Habitat), except for 9 positive patients in the village of Tingfeng, Longqiao Town, Qiongshan City, the weakest link area of ​​filariasis control in our province , Other villages (neighborhood) committees have not found positive patients; mosquito vector surveillance in 18 pathogen surveillance sites catches Culex pipiens pallens 2 15774 anatomical, did not find natural infection of mosquitoes filariasis; carried out each year Serological surveillance, the prevalence of filamentous worm antibodies and antibody titers in the population approached the healthy population of non-filariasis endemic areas. Conclusion The results of Hainan’s basic elimination of filariasis are consolidated. The source of residual infection has tended to be purified naturally. Transmission of filariasis has been blocked. However, we still find positive patients in the weak areas of filariasis prevention and cure in our province. In order to eliminate the disease and prevent the recurrence of filariasis, we should strengthen the monitoring on the weak links in the prevention and treatment of filariasis and the remote and impoverished areas in our province, Everything may go to find the source of infection.
为了解甘肃省不同经济状况地区预防接种安全注射现状 ,1999年 7月结合世界银行贷款疾病预防 (卫生Ⅶ )项目计划免疫子项目接种率及影响因素调查 ,抽取部分接种点进行相关调查