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【目的】为探索烤烟游离氨基酸与外观品质的关系。【方法】利用6个省份不同质量档次的186份烟叶样品,分析了各产区游离氨基酸含量与组成的差异性,并进行游离氨基酸指标与外观品质的简单相关分析。【结果】(1)各类游离氨基酸含量与组成在不同产区间差异较大,游离氨基酸总量以河南、四川较高,贵州、湖南居中,福建、辽宁较低;(2)同产区不同质量样品各游离氨基酸指标变异系数大多超过10%,部分超过40%;(3)一定范围内,随着烟叶颜色的加深,酸性、芳香族和脂肪族氨基酸比例降低,亚氨基酸比例升高;随着烟叶油润感变差、色度变弱,芳香族氨基酸比例以及酸性、碱性、脂肪族氨基酸含量和比例升高,亚氨基酸比例降低。【结论】烤烟烟叶游离氨基酸含量与组成存在明显的区域分布特征;同一产区内,烤烟烟叶的颜色深浅、油润感和色度强弱与其游离氨基酸含量及组成存在一定的相关性。 【Objective】 To explore the relationship between free amino acids and appearance quality in flue-cured tobacco. 【Method】 A total of 186 tobacco leaf samples of different quality grades from 6 provinces were used to analyze the differences of free amino acid content and composition in each producing area. A simple correlation analysis between free amino acid index and appearance quality was carried out. 【Result】 (1) The content and composition of various free amino acids varied greatly among different producing areas. The total amount of free amino acids was higher in Henan and Sichuan, lower in Guizhou and Hunan, and lower in Fujian and Liaoning. (2) The coefficient of variation (CV) of each free amino acid index was mostly over 10% and some over 40% in different quality samples. (3) Within a certain range, the proportion of acidic, aromatic and aliphatic amino acids decreased, With the deterioration of tobacco leaf oil feel, weakened chroma, aromatic amino acid ratio and acidic, basic, aliphatic amino acid content and proportion increased, the proportion of imino acids decreased. 【Conclusion】 The contents and composition of free amino acids in flue-cured tobacco leaves showed obvious regional distribution. In the same producing area, the flue-cured tobacco leaves had some correlations with the content of free amino acids and the content of their free amino acids.
近年来,各国及地区纷纷推出新型单兵战斗与防护装备,中国台湾地区也不例外——  2016年初,位于台湾南港的军备局生产制造中心第202厂等单位展示了多款自研单兵战斗与防护装备,许多装备为首次展示,原台湾领导人马英九参观了展览。台湾军备局生产制造中心的前身是联勤生产署,2003年联勤测量署并入后改隶于国防部军备局。其中,台军在本次展会中按照步兵、伞兵、特勤、特战、陆战队、宪兵、化学兵和工兵、装甲和炮兵
法国堡垒步枪体态庞大,口径20 mm,其设计目的是用于堡垒防卫——堡垒防卫武器从很早的时期,人们就已经懂得利用各种防御工事来防卫敌人,从最简单的路障,到后来复杂的城堡和要
目的 探讨氨氯地平联合特拉唑嗪治疗中老年原发性高血压伴良性前列腺增生的临床疗效. 方法 选择32例中老年原发性高血压伴良性前列腺增生的患者,给予氨氯地平联合特拉唑嗪药
以色列国防军由于实战经验丰富,因此对于步兵枪械的设计和运用向来都有独到的看法,特别是针对城镇战需求,对于突击步枪和班用轻机枪的设计都融入了许多基层部队官兵用血汗换来的教训。以色列武器工业公司(IWI,前身为IMI)于2012年推出了内格夫轻机枪的两种改进型:5.56mm口径短枪管的特战型和发射7.62mmNATO弹的NG7——  轻巧紧致——内格夫    特战型轻机枪  5.56mm内格夫特战型轻