Inhibition on the production of collagen type Ⅰ, Ⅲ of activated hepatic stellate cells by antisense

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myxzm
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AIM: To investigate the inhibition effects on the productionof collagen type I, Ⅲ secreted by activated rat hepatic stellatecells (rHSCs) by antisense tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase1 (TIMP-1) recombinant plasmid through elevating interstitialcollagenase activity.METHODS: rHSCs were extracted from normal rat liverby pronase and collagenase digestion and purified bycentrifugal elutriation, and were cultured on plastic dishesuntil they were activated to a myofibroblastic phenotypeafter 7-10 days. RT-Nest-PCR and gene recombinanttechniques were used to construct the rat antisense TIMP-1 recombinant plasmids which can express in eucaryoticcells. The recombinant plasmid and the pcDNA3 emptyplasmid were transfected in rHSCs by Effectene (QIAGEN)separately. Cells were selected after growing in DMEMcontaining 400 μg/ml G418 for 2-3 weeks. Expression ofexogenous gene was assessed by North blot, andexpression oflIMP-1 in rHSCs was determined by Northblot and West blot. We tested the interstitial collagenaseactivity with FITC-labled type I collagen as substrate.Ultimately, we quantified the type Ⅰ, Ⅲ collagen byWest blot.RESULTS: The exogenous antisense TIMP-1 recombinantplasmid could be expressed in rHSCs well, which couldblock the expression of TIMP-1 greatly, the ratio of TIMP-1/GAPDH was 0.67, 2.41, and 2.97 separately at mRNAlevel (P<0.05); the ratio of TIMP-1/β-actin was 0.31, 0.98and 1.32 separately at protein level (P<0.05); It mightelevate active and latent interstitial collagenase activity,the collagenase activity was 0.3049, 0.1411 and 0.1196respectively. (P<0.05), which led to promotion thedegradation of type Ⅰ, Ⅲ collagen, the ratio of collagen I/β-actin was 0.63, 1.78 and 1.92 separately (P<0.05); andthe ratio of collagen Ⅲ/β-actin was 0.59, 1.81 and 1.98separately (P<0.05).CONCLUSION: These data shows that the antisense TIMP-1 recombinant plasmid has the inhibitory effects on theproduction of type Ⅰ, Ⅲ collagens secreted by activatedrHSCs in vitro. It could be a novel method to reverse hepaticfibrosis in the future.
【关键词】腰大肌间沟;腰椎间盘突出症;腰宁;强的松龙     腰椎间盘突出症症患者常常伴随程度不同的腰部及下肢疼痛,近年来,椎间盘退变导致炎症反应与免疫反应而引发疼痛的学说逐渐取代了单纯的机械压迫学说。兼有抗炎、活血化淤、祛风除湿与抗免疫作用的糖皮质激素类药物被广泛应用于椎间盘突出症患者,由于全身用药副作用大,目前主张局部少量用药。我院采用腰大肌间沟及阿是穴注射对腰椎间盘突出症进行治疗,疗效满意。
AIM: To verify the expressing efficiency and angiogenesiseffect after administration of expression vector encodingfor vascular endothelial growth factor D in no
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