“暗伤”勿扰 IT消费中的“三聚氰胺”大揭晓

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临近3·15,央视征集线索的广告又扑面而来,有了3·15,中国消费者懂得了更多的知识,明白了更多的道理,懂得了3·15存在的意义。然而,消费者维权并不是3·15一天的事,关注消费、指导消费一直是《电脑爱好者》的办刊宗旨,通过深度报道、黑板报、半月谈、烧包族、闷豆逛市场、数码导购、我玩PC等栏目,平均每年会有近400个版面指导您在消费前、消费中和消费后的注意事项及解决办法。2009年的3·15,是“三聚氰胺”事件爆发之后的第一个3·15。《电脑爱好者》在这个3·15到来的前夕,再度精心策划了一期专刊,为您揭示IT领域的种种“三聚氰胺”。在我们看来,IT产品也存在类似“三聚氰胺”这样,刚买回来开始使用的时候没发现问题,随着使用的时间增长、次数增多,种种问题就暴露出来,有的甚至危及生命的“暗伤”。“暗伤”就是我们今年为您找到的3·15维权方向,它可能体现在外观的细节之处,可能暗藏在内部构造、技术的设计上,也可能是一种不易察觉的偷工减料,还可能是服务方面的缩水……简单说,“暗伤”就是产品潜在的质量问题。在本次专题中,我们将针对多个经典案例,代您明侦暗访,剖析问题成因,明确消费提醒,提供维权手段。希望您在经历过2008年的“暗伤”来袭后,在2009年,能更买得明,用得精。 Near 3.15, advertisements for CCTV's collection of clues came again. With 3.15, Chinese consumers learned more knowledge, understood more truth and understood the significance of the existence of 3.15. However, consumer advocacy is not a matter of 3.15 one day. Paying attention to consumption and guiding consumption have always been the purpose of running “computer lovers.” Through in-depth reports, blackboard newspapers, half-moon talks, burnt-out packs, Shopping guide, I play PC and other columns, on average, there will be nearly 400 pages a year to guide you in the consumer, consumer and consumer considerations and solutions. 3.15 in 2009 was the first 3.15 after the “melamine” incident broke out. On the eve of 3.15, computer enthusiast once again elaborated a special issue that will expose you to various “melamine” in the field of IT. In our view, IT products are also similar to “melamine,” so just bought back to start using no problems, with the use of time, the increase in the number of problems exposed and some even life-threatening “Dark hurt ”. “Hidden wound ” is the direction of the 315 rights we found for you this year. It may be reflected in the details of the appearance. It may be hidden in the internal structure and the design of technology. It may also be an imperceptible jerry-building. May be shrinking services ... In short, “dark injury ” is the product of potential quality problems. In this topic, we will focus on a number of classic cases, reveal your secret investigation tomorrow, analyze the causes of the problem, a clear consumer reminder, to provide means of safeguarding rights. I hope you experienced the 2008 “dark wound” after the attack, in 2009, can be more affordable, with fine.
中国证券报记者6月17日获悉,浙江省杭州市中级人民法院今年5月21日已做出终审裁定,驳回达能公司关于撤销杭州仲裁委员会裁决书的申请。 China Securities Journal reporter
荣获广西交通系统文明窗口示范单位怎么办?桂平航运管理所的做法是:自找差距,健全制度,做好服务,接受监督,再上新台阶。 桂平航运管理所是区交通厅首批公布的文明窗口示范单