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1946年5月15日,邯郸市火磨街2号墙壁上镶嵌着的《人民日报》《新华通讯社》红色大字鲜艳夺目,门口张灯结彩,人群熙攘,好不热闹。这天是晋冀鲁豫边区《人民日报》的创刊日。一大早,报社同志把机关内外打扫得干干净净,在大门口合影,然后都去参加庆祝报纸创刊会去了。编辑部值班的同志把各版编辑组桌上的稿件和红笔放得整整齐齐,等候着边区首长的到来。九点多钟,听得楼下一阵掌声,啊!正是我们久已盼望的刘伯承司令 On May 15, 1946, the red characters “Xinhua News Agency” inlaid with “People’s Daily” on the wall of No. 2 Fire Mill Street in Handan dazzled with glittering colors and bustling crowd. This day is the founding day of “People’s Daily” in the margin area of ​​Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan border area. Early in the morning, the newspaper comrades cleaned the inside and outside of the office clean and took a group photo at the gate and went to celebrate the newspaper launch. The comrades on duty in the editorial department put the manuscripts and red-colored pen on the table of each edition editorial team in neat rows awaiting the arrival of the head of the border area. Nine o’clock, heard a downstairs applause, ah! It is our long-awaited commander Liu Bosheng