
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang_hua1983
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酸枣仁容器育苗,出苗整齐,出苗率高,种子不用沙藏,省地、节时、投资小;移苗不受季节、墒情限制,并可大大提高栽植成活率,是目前干旱地区的育苗趋向。现将酸枣仁容器育苗技术介绍如下:1 育苗地选择及整畦要求 育苗地要选择背风向阳、地势平坦、排水良好的场地。整畦宽度要根据覆盖地膜的宽度进行。畦埂宽度在30厘米以上,高20厘米左右。2 育苗容器规格 采用直径5厘米以上、高10~20厘米的筒状塑料薄膜容器。3 营养土的配制与装袋 取耕作土加适量腐熟圈肥经消毒、过筛进行装袋,消毒用3%硫酸亚铁喷后翻搅。有条件的地方,可按1:1000比例(重量比)将 Suanzaoren containers container nursery, emergence of neat, high emergence rate, seed without sand, save time, the festival, small investment; transplant seedlings from the season, the moisture content restrictions, and can greatly enhance the survival rate of planting is the current trend of nursery in arid areas . Sprinkling technology now Suanzaoren containers are as follows: 1 nursery selection and rectification requirements Breeding to choose leeward, flat, well drained venues. The whole width of the plastic film should be covered according to the width.畦 埂 width of 30 cm above, about 20 cm high. 2 seedling container specifications using more than 5 cm in diameter, 10 to 20 cm high cylindrical plastic film container. 3 Nutritional soil preparation and bagging Take tillage soil plus the amount of spoilage circle fat by disinfection, sifting for bagging, disinfection with 3% ferrous sulfate spray stir. Conditional, according to 1: 1000 ratio (weight ratio) will be
In this work, a new method to deal with the unconnected pixels in motion compensated temporal filtering (MCTF) is presented, which is designed to improve the pe
葡萄优果剂是我们通过4年的试验研制成功的。经在北京、河北等20个省市试用 ,效益显著。如河北省宁晋县孙村张国华在巨峰葡萄上用后 ,不仅果粒个个无籽、着色好、甜度高 ,且往年
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  The Korean War was broke out in 1950 and lasted for three years.At the end of the Korean War The Republic of Korea (ROK) and Democratic Peoples Republic of