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大力发展乡镇工业,提高乡镇工业信贷管理水平,必须重新构思发展的新格局。这个新格局的形成,是以改变乡镇工业发展史上传统的方式和过程为显著特征,通过优化经济结构,使乡镇工业的发展走出底谷,跃上新的台阶,具体地讲,主要应从以下几个方面入手:一是扭转先布点、后布局的传统方式,优化投资结构。从静态角度看,乡镇工业布局系指乡镇工业生产的分布和组合;从动态角度看,则是乡镇企业生产力的部署和调整。本来,乡镇工业的发展应当先布局、后布点,就是说投资方向要有一个总体的、合理的、科学的目标。然而,传统的方式则是先布点、后布局,想办什么厂(不论总体规划是否合理) To vigorously develop township industries and improve the credit management of township and village industries, we must re-conceive the new pattern of development. The formation of this new pattern is characterized by changing the traditional methods and processes in the history of township industry development. By optimizing the economic structure, the development of township and township industries has moved beyond the bottom of the valley to a new level. Specifically, it should mainly be Starting from the following aspects: First, the traditional way of reversing the first distribution point and the subsequent layout is to optimize the investment structure. From a static perspective, the distribution of township industry refers to the distribution and combination of township industrial production; from a dynamic point of view, it is the deployment and adjustment of the productivity of township enterprises. Originally, the development of township and township industries should be laid out first and then distributed, which means that there should be an overall, reasonable and scientific goal for investment direction. However, the traditional approach is to first lay out the points and layout, and what kind of factory they want to do (regardless of whether the overall plan is reasonable).
美国钛厂增加使用独联体(CIS)的海绵钛,其中波音民航机组(BCAG)已经把俄罗斯上萨尔达冶金产品协会(VSMPO)定为航空级Ti-6Al-4V锭的供应厂商。美国国 Titanium plants in th
闻太行有郭亮,以居崖上名于世,久冀游之,适休假,乃约友同赴之。  其村居太行之南,隶豫之辉县,邻晋之陵川,界中原太行间,山峻然超拔,崖高乎百丈,其屋筑崖之巅,岌岌乎危哉!村侧崖悬曲径,石阶数百,盘旋而下,谓之天梯。登攀其上,若凌云。闻有樵曾堕之,心愈惊悚焉。崖巅稍阔,宽数丈不等,乃劈坡砌坝,辟为村居。村后倚峰如屏,复高百丈,须仰观之。其居危崖之上,奇峰之下,若悬太行腰际。因地狭,多筑楼,以红石构墙