
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hoko0428
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CPI是一个很重要的宏观经济指标,人们对其数据质量给予了很大的关注。作为编制CPI的最基础工作,数据收集会对CPI数据质量产生很大的影响。本文主要讨论了CPI数据收集中的几个基本问题,包括数据收集频率、产品篮子的更新、权重资料的更新以及样本容量的确定等,并结合部分国家的实践分析了其做法。 CPI is a very important macroeconomic indicator, and people pay a lot of attention to its data quality. As the most basic work in preparing CPI, data collection will have a great impact on the quality of CPI data. This article mainly discusses several basic problems in CPI data collection, including the frequency of data collection, the updating of product basket, the updating of weight data and the determination of sample size, and analyzes its practice in combination with the practice of some countries.
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