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第一章总则第一条《山东政报》由山东省人民政府主办。为积极应对我国加入世贸组织、适应政府职能面临重大转变的新形势,更加有针对性的宣传政策,更好地服务社会、服务基层、服务企业,充分发挥《山东政报》推进政务公开,规范政府行为,促进依法行政的推动作用,确保广大群众对政策的知情权、参与权和监督权的落实,决定组建《山东政报》联谊会,并制定本章程。第二条联谊会的宗旨是:以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和中共“十六大”精神为指导,以确保政令畅通为第一要务,不断强化政治意识、大局意识、责任意识,不断扩大政策法规的社会传播面,不断增强宣传企事业单位知名度、美誉度的功能,积极探索在社会主义市场经济条件下,聚集社会力量服务社会、增强办刊活力的新思路;积极构筑联系基层、密切群众、服务社会的新平台,多方听取社会对办刊工作的意见和建议;积极拓展新的历史时期上情下达、下情上转的新途径,切实发挥政府的桥梁和窗口作用;积极致力于开创制定政策、传播政策和执行政策几个层面的增进沟通与交流和信息反馈的新机制,促进政策转化为现实生产力,促进各地、各部门和企事业单位 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 Shandong Political Bureau is sponsored by Shandong Provincial People’s Government. In order to actively respond to the new situation that China’s accession to the WTO and the government’s functions are undergoing major changes, more targeted publicity policies should be taken to better serve the society, serve the grassroots units and serve the enterprises and give full play to the “Shandong Press” to promote open government affairs and regulate Government actions to promote the role of administration according to law to ensure that the broad masses of the people’s right to know the policy, the right to participate and supervise the implementation of the decision to form a “Shandong Political News” Association, and the formulation of this charter. The purpose of the second sorority is to guide Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in order to ensure the smooth flow of government orders as the top priority, continuously strengthen political awareness and overall interests Consciousness and sense of responsibility, constantly expand the social transmission aspects of policies and regulations, and constantly enhance the function of publicizing the popularity and reputation of enterprises and institutions, and actively explore new ideas for gathering social forces to serve the society and enhance the vitality of running a newspaper under the conditions of a socialist market economy ; Actively build a new platform for connecting grassroots units, serving the masses and serving the community; listen to opinions and suggestions from the general public on the work of running the public; actively expand new channels for turning up the situation and turning the situation down in the new historical period; and give full play to the government’s bridge And actively promote the establishment of a new mechanism for enhancing communication and exchange of information and feedback on several aspects of formulating and disseminating policies and implementing policies so as to promote the transformation of policies into practical productive forces and promote the efforts of all localities and departments and enterprises and institutions
提到医学影像学这一专业,大部分的同学对之了解甚少,但它距离我们的生活并不遥远:想一想,当人患重感冒,咳嗽得厉害,到医院看病时,第一项检查通常是做胸片透视,即拍 X 光片以
1新年钟声响起的时候,照例朋友们打电话。拨通 H 先生的电话时,是一片喧嚣的声音。我说:嗨,新年好!你在哪里?怎么这么热闹?H 先生无比兴奋地告诉我说:我在矿上,和矿工弟兄们
飞行员固有的生理局限(如对机动过载的耐受力,对座舱气压、温度、氧气等环境的苛求)制约着战斗机性能的充分发挥,帮助飞行员克服生理局限的生命保障系统任重道远。 Pilots’