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教育是一门智慧的学问,它不等于知识,一个人知识再多,他也未必能做一名合格的老师。教育其实又很简单,无非就是要告诉学生做两件事:一是该做什么,二是不该做什么。在小学课堂上时时处处都需要教师智慧的火花,老师要做的是教会孩子怎么去做,授生以渔。有一节跳绳课,在学生散点自由练习时,我看到三年级的珺(化名)独自一人在偏僻的地方吃力地跳着。看着她那肥胖的身材和极不协调的跳绕动作,我情不自禁地走上前去,想给她进行一次 Education is an intellectual learning. It is not equal to knowledge, one more knowledge, he may not be able to be a qualified teacher. In fact, education is very simple, nothing more than to tell students to do two things: First, what to do, and second, what should not be done. In primary school classrooms always need teachers spark of sparks, the teacher should do is teach the children how to do, give birth to fish. There is a skipping rope class, in the free practice of scattered students, I saw the third grade Jun (a pseudonym) alone in the remote place strenuously jumping. Looking at her fat figure and very uncoordinated jump around action, I can not help but go forward, want to give her once