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西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 为进一步深化我省财政预算编制和管理工作的改革,建立健全科学的预算管理体系,加强依法理财,省政府决定从2001年起,对省级和各州、地、市及部分有条件的县(区)实行部门预算,2002年全面推开。现就有关事项通知如下: 一、充分认识预算编制和管理改革的重要性。各级政府、各部门要充分认识到,深化预算编制和管理的改革,是建立健全适应社会主义市场经济要求的新型财政管理体制和运行机制的需要。预算编制改革主要是通过编制部门预算,推进依法理财。部门预算是把一个部门及其所属单位各类款项的经费预算进行统一编制,通过早编细编预算,强化财政预算职能,增强预算约束力,实现预算管理的公开、公正、公平、透明和规范。这对于进一步理顺财政分配关系,优化政府财力资源配置,保障机关正常运转,促进改革、发展和稳定具有重要意义。 Xining City, the People’s Government of the Autonomous Prefecture, Haidong Administrative Department, the provincial government commissions, offices, offices and bureaus: In order to further deepen the reform of our province’s budget preparation and management work, establish and improve a scientific budget management system and strengthen the administration of wealth according to law; The government decided to implement departmental budgets on provincial and prefectural, prefectural and municipal governments as well as some conditional counties (districts) starting in 2001 and was fully rolled out in 2002. We hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows: I. Fully understand the importance of budget formulation and management reform. All levels of government and departments should fully realize that deepening the reform of budget formulation and management is the need to establish and improve a new type of financial management system and operation mechanism that meets the requirements of the socialist market economy. Budgeting reform mainly through the preparation of departmental budgets to promote wealth management according to law. The departmental budget is to formulate a unified budget for the budget of various departments of a department and its subordinate units. The budget of a department and its subordinate units should be prepared in a budgeted manner. The budgetary budget should be strengthened as early as possible, and the budgetary budget should be strengthened. Budgetary management should be open, fair, fair, transparent and standardized . This is of great significance for further rationalizing the fiscal distribution, optimizing the allocation of government financial resources, ensuring the normal operation of organs, and promoting reform, development and stability.
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