Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of in Situ Primary Si / Mg2Si Locally Reinforced Aluminum Mat

来源 :中国机械工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenwen0000
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Abstract:Al-Si pistons are frequently damaged by bing piston top surface due to elevated combustion temperature,and by rubbing the first ring groove against the engine cylinder liner.To prevent piston from these damages,some technologies were invented,such as mounting high Ni cast iron ring around the first ring groove in Al alloy piston body and thermal resistant steel on piston top surface,and fabricating Al composite pistons by squeeze casting for enhancing the whole or local piston performance.In this paper,composite pistons locally reinforced with in situ primary Si and primary Mg2Si particles are fabricated by centrifugal casting.The microstructure characteristics,hardness and wear resistance of the composite piston are investigated and the motion characteristic of the in situ particles in centrifugal field is analyzed.The results of the experiments show that primary Si and Mg2Si particles mix up with each other in melt and segregate at the regions of piston top and piston ring grooves under the effect of centrifugal force.Particulate reinforced regions have a higher hardness and better wear resistance compared with the unreinforced regions and this performance increases after heat treatment.The analysis result of particle movement shows that,primary Si and primary Mg2Si particles move at approximately the same velocity in the centrifugal field,because of the growth of primary Si and fusion after colliding between primary Si particles,which compromised the velocity difference of primary Si and primary Mg2Si particles caused by the difference of their densities.Research results have some theory significance and applicative value of project in development of new aluminum matrix composites piston products.
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2017年4月26日上午9时许,我国首艘国产航空母舰(以下简称航母)的下水仪式在中国船舶重工集团公司大连造船厂举行.在拖曳牵引下, 002型航母缓缓移出船坞,停靠码头.出坞下水是
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